Please don't blast me just give me advice


New member
So I have low t levels already I have nerve damage on my spine and messed up disks I have been on pain meds for almost a year so I started just test e by its self to just help me gain weight I've gained 15lbs I've been taking it for a month so my question is, is this a stupid move on my part I'm trying to put on some weight then in a month do a stack and work out and have some weight to work with. And since I've only been on it for a month will I continue to see some weight gain or is it pretty much over for me? I oy had one bottle and I only have one dose left so what's going to happen once I'm done with it?
No blast, just advise then:

I would advise that you post waaaayyyy more info! Wt, ht, test level, some history, diet stuff, test dose, frequency, age, pain med dose, ...

Gigo. Garbage in / garbage out means good advice needs good info. There are folks here who can help, but only with enough data
Your honest. I ll assist, but need to know ur-

est body fat
Yr s training

The weight gain is probably mainly water and maybe the muscle s being re energized with test inherently making the tissue s ability to store glycogen, nitrogen, mineral s etc. increase vastly.

When u run out your test will tank to zero. Sad but true.
U will need pct drug s like nolva and or (preferably both)chlomid to re start your bodies limited natural test production.
Bear in mind opiates are poison for test levels. Fact.
Start a taper off program or stay off AAS...UNLESS ENDORSED BY A RX ING PHYSICIAN. Pain is part of life bro. I got a titanium knee, a fused back and a pinned shoulder and a stressed other delt. Get over it and deal with it..or die trying to justify continuing to take them. Addiction s a bitch. I know this as do lot s of vet s here. Stop while u can.

Even considering a stack at this point is beyond foolish it s downright reckless.
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Like others have stated, you're headed down a slippery slope. Ibuprofen is the hardest pain meds you should take on a regular basis. Surgery recovery and real pain is different.
I'm closing I on 50 and the first few sets of any exercise hurts to some extent. Once the joint gets lubed and blood starts flowing the pain all but goes away. In fact, overall, I hurt less when I work out regular than when I take an extended break from lifting.

I've strained my back numerous times and have relied on everything from aleve to OxyContin to take the pain away so I could rest/sleep. Knowing full well how addictive narcotics can be, I weN myself off just as fast as I can.
You don't need test to add weight 'to work with' before starting an exercise routine. Just go, ease into various exercises that you can do relatively painfree. Add other movements as you feel comfortable.
If your test levels are chronically low consult a doc about trt. But once you start, it's for life
So I have low t levels already I have nerve damage on my spine and messed up disks I have been on pain meds for almost a year so I started just test e by its self to just help me gain weight I've gained 15lbs I've been taking it for a month so my question is, is this a stupid move on my part I'm trying to put on some weight then in a month do a stack and work out and have some weight to work with. And since I've only been on it for a month will I continue to see some weight gain or is it pretty much over for me? I oy had one bottle and I only have one dose left so what's going to happen once I'm done with it?

Get in the gym and start slow, but consult with your physician before you do anything.