I have 23 days left until vacation. I have lost 40 lbs since august and I have regained all of the muscle I lost from not training. While Ive made some great progress...I still have around 18% BF. What can I do to maximize my results in the next 23 days. I am currently carb cycling on a High/Low/No schedule. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to maximize my diet, training, and supplementation.
Currently taking : NO-XPLODE, CELLMASS, and VAPORIZE. I have Lipo 6 but havent been using it since I started on the NO XPLODE. Oh and I have ISOPURE as my protein powder. Thanks in advance!
Currently taking : NO-XPLODE, CELLMASS, and VAPORIZE. I have Lipo 6 but havent been using it since I started on the NO XPLODE. Oh and I have ISOPURE as my protein powder. Thanks in advance!