please help/judge my current daily diet!


New member
now, my diet isnt perfect! but i think it's not too bad, anyone care to judge it for me?

breakfast i'm only eating 4 weetbix and a maxs mass gainer pro extreeme shake (with added teaspoons of bcaa's and glutamine), with about 40 grams of carbs and 40 protein.

gym time

after gym i'll have another max's mass gainer shake (added bcca's and glutamine)

get home and have half a cup of brown rice uncooked which turns into about 2 cups when its cooked, with a 212.5gram tuna in olive oil can, vegies (brocolli, carots, zuchini).

about 2 hours later i have this exact same meal.

about 2 hours later i'll have the same but with 3 eggs, only one yolk, instead of the tuna, an apple.

2 hours later i have this same meal with another 3 eggs, rice, vegies, an orange.

about 2 hours later i'll have a bowl of mixed vegies (brocolli, 5 brussel sprouts, carrots, zuchinni), 2 chicken thigh fillets cooked in oven, and a 200g pack of cottage cheese mixed in all together.

just before bed maxs nitetime protein shake.

i drink one 2 litre carton of milk everyday, i am thinking about increasing this to 3 litres as i find myself rationing it..

i'm 24, 80kgs, not sure bf.. but not a huge amount, can see abs. and 6foot tall.

i feel full all day with this diet at this stage, only thing i could do is increase the milk maybe? or have maybe 4-6 eggs instead of 3 in the two meals with eggs??

but! i put this into an online calorie counter and it said this is about 5500-6000 calories?!?!? that sounds huge to me and i thought i wasnt really eating too big??.. lol.

thanks guys.

oh also... i've been told to abstain from having sex or masturbating during this cycle as it will increase my hunger for gym and help keep a bit more size in my balls? is this correct? lol..
yea that's alot of food... are you gaining weight??

your gonna put on fat...

and no need to abstain from sex bro.. fuck away.. that's bullshit
well i put 2kg on in the first week, but this first week is my first week of my first ever cycle. 500mg of test e a week. i don't feel like i'm having to force food down or anything.. just thought i better eat perfect while i'm doing this first cycle. hmmm, should i cut down the rice? to maybe just 1 cup (uncooked) a day in total, instead of 2 cups?
it's just hard to know how much exactly your body needs to put on the muscle but not gain too much fat? :(
Thats an insane amount of food dude! And way to much milk IMO. Eat more Steak and Chicken instead of 4 tuna cans.

And Jamy is right about the no sex, thats just crap, you will want to kill someone if you don't release yourself. Being on cycle is awesome for your sex life man!