Please help urgent test scare

Haha, well I was just unsure and wanted to know what it was from. How long should I run nova for and what should my dosages be?

Below you said "months of research"... How the fuck dont you know the basics of PCT after months of research. Please stop using steroids before you fuck yourself.. holy shit man.

You knew you were in the wrong starting tha Var before the test came but you did it anyway, you're pinning your friends ass? Is he so muscle bound that he can't reach around to do it himself? Did you know the glute back there isn't an ideal location to pin? Do you know to rotate pinning locations?

My god.. I could go on.
We aren't being hostile.. you just clearly asked a very noob question but are saying you did your research. Clearly not enough if you don't know how to dose nolva.

This shit isn't a game. No other way to put it man. I suggest not pinning him and not pinning yourself again, and researching more. Research on here. For a while. Focus on diet and training. List your stats.
I think that whilst the possibility is really low, you could have pinned it in a vein. This is documented to happen.

Don't bitch out dude, it's a one in a thousand chance you'll be in a vein and most times you will know straight away.

Shit my first pin was with a 23G 1.25" into my right delt, was laughing the whole time. It doesn't hurt, don't be a pussy.
OP, I know some of us vets get a little brutal from time to time, but some of you guys say you've done research but most of you haven't read post after post and see the the newbies ask these Q's all the time and maybe you should of heard these ridiculous freak outs.

But most importantly we are injecting a compound not an opiate and not even a anti-biotic which there have been some issues before.

Think about the Doctors office and the hospital, no one is passing out just after a routine IM injection. This isn't even IV (main line) How could it be absorbed through the muscle in that short of time.

SO sometimes we laugh...think, think, think, it out. Simple Simon n his buddy common sense. :wavey:
I do know pct, maybe I just didn't word my question correctly. I was just wondering if I needed pct If I were to come off var 4 weeks into test e. Was just unsure.
Yes OP, the guys here can be mean at times, but surely you imagined this would happen when yoi tell us a story like this lol
Teutonic's drawn out way of saying man up, pussy. Love it :D

LoL .... Hey if you don't have the sack for it no problem. The problem your sack is probably mostly empty ? It's some funny shit. I'd have freaked out to. But it wouldn't have stopped me on my first cycle I was like a machine. You have to run a full pct. or pin the test.
You guys are nothing but a bunch of meanie weenies Im going to body
