please help with dbol cycle

It's getting so emotional... U know he logged off and told his mommy.. "mommy, some girl with way more muscle then ill ever have told me to grow a pair.." bitches....
why dont you go back to the "horny enough to fuck a dude in da ass" thread where you belong. seems to be more your style.

Is that supposed to be an insult bc I posted in a thread? C'mon bro you can do better than that. You've shown a few times you can be articulate, why don't you use that brain of yours and try typing something that's actually relevant?
And neither of you still refuted the point of German's "Bible" of Anabolics made reference to it being an effective cycle. Hahaha not that I should expect you to you've shown you don't know how. If that's beyond your ability I'm sorry for calling you out like that, I just assumed someone would actually know what they're talking about. Apparently not :(
Is that supposed to be an insult bc I posted in a thread? C'mon bro you can do better than that. You've shown a few times you can be articulate, why don't you use that brain of yours and try typing something that's actually relevant?

oh my bad...i didnt realize the shit you were saying warranted an articulate response
dbol only cycle isnt a good idea, youll gain something and lose most of it at the end... get some test and throw the dbols in there at 40mg, test 500mg
The funny thing is... I actually did go back to re read a few points... I just didn't think it was worth my time coming back on here...
But, now you've irritated me and I'd like to rant a little..

Actually the book doesn't suggest dbol cycles only (just as we suggested). It suggested that you pair Dianabol with some like Deca. Obviously we would not suggest it to the newbie to run deca as his first go. In your opinion would you run a dbol only cycle? If I were a guy, I wouldn't. As a girl, you can run a low dose as up to 5mg and for a women it is powerful enough for new muscle growth. (I've done it, and I love dbols)

The OP has to realize dbols aren't something you want to fuck with, it is still poweful enough for noticeable side effects. something like methandrostenolone it's still quite estrogenic. Therefore, side effects like Gynecomastia is a concern and may persent itself early into cycle.

NOW back to OP

I have a bottle of blue hearts 10mg of danabol from thailand...bottle of nolvadex and milk thistle...can any one suggest any first cycle of 32 years old 182 lbs about 17% body fat.. i work out 4 to 5 times a week for an 1 hour each day..thanks

You're 32, and 17% BF. You workout 4/5 a day. Cool, awesome! Great fucking start!!!!!
I don't think dbols are what you're looking for. You never listed your main goals. \

Here is what you need to understand. Milk thistle isn't a PCT, it's only suggested to use for your liver. Secondly your dosages might be a little low but if you know the history of your dispensary you'll know the potency. And you're grown ass man, you do as you please.

If you take 20-25mgs (4-5x) daily you'll have to keep your estrogen under control. Using something like Nolvadex, and/or Proviron works. Arimidex is often used (a little more pricey but, probably better in this case)

Additional sides are common like your bloat, oily skin, acne and body/facial hair growth occur - I for one break out and bloat right up.

So, now I just wasted all that time answering something knowning this guy will never come back to repost or to probably even read.

The funny thing is... I actually did go back to re read a few points... I just didn't think it was worth my time coming back on here...
But, now you've irritated me and I'd like to rant a little..

Actually the book doesn't suggest dbol cycles only (just as we suggested). It suggested that you pair Dianabol with some like Deca. Obviously we would not suggest it to the newbie to run deca as his first go. In your opinion would you run a dbol only cycle? If I were a guy, I wouldn't. As a girl, you can run a low dose as up to 5mg and for a women it is powerful enough for new muscle growth. (I've done it, and I love dbols)

The OP has to realize dbols aren't something you want to fuck with, it is still poweful enough for noticeable side effects. something like methandrostenolone it's still quite estrogenic. Therefore, side effects like Gynecomastia is a concern and may persent itself early into cycle.

Thank you for takin the time to write a thought out reply. I didn't say the book SUGGESTED dbol only cycle, I referenced how it said "they can be EFFECTIVE". There's a difference between the two points and its partly the reason I wouldn't suggest dbol only. And again it doesn't suggest you stack it with deca it says "stacking with deca CAN HELP INCREASE GAINS WITHOUT THE RISK OF SIGNIFICANTLY MORE SIDES". Why would you suggest such a low dose for females but not males, what's your reasoning behind this? Which side effects are you thinking about in particular bc liver values CAN be increased on a 2.5mg/day dose while 5mg/day most subjects showed increased liver values regardless of gender. Some of the side effects for women are just as scary as the ones for men when improperly used, improperly being the key word.

I don't think dbol is the answer for him either since he hasn't done research. You're right milk thistle isn't post cycle therapy (pct) but it doesn't do much for the liver either. Many many studies back this up, Liv52 or NAC are a much better choice. Nolvadex DOESN'T keep estrogen under control, it just limits it from binding to the receptor in the tissue. That's not the same as prohibiting the enzyme from making estrogen.

You're right dbol shouldn't just be fucked around with but that goes for ALL AAS not just dbol. Any aromatizing compound can cause gyno, not just dbol.
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Thank you for takin the time to write a thought out reply. I didn't say the book SUGGESTED dbol only cycle, I referenced how it said "they can be EFFECTIVE". There's a difference between the two points and its partly the reason I wouldn't suggest dbol only. And again it doesn't suggest you stack it with deca it says "stacking with deca CAN HELP INCREASE GAINS WITHOUT THE RISK OF SIGNIFICANTLY MORE SIDES". Why would you suggest such a low dose for females but not males, what's your reasoning behind this? Which side effects are you thinking about in particular bc liver values CAN be increased on a 2.5mg/day dose while 5mg/day most subjects showed increased liver values regardless of gender. Some of the side effects for women are just as scary as the ones for men when improperly used, improperly being the key word.

I don't think dbol is the answer for him either since he hasn't done research. You're right milk thistle isn't post cycle therapy (pct) but it doesn't do much for the liver either. Many many studies back this up, Liv52 or NAC are a much better choice. Nolvadex DOESN'T keep estrogen under control, it just limits it from binding to the receptor in the tissue. That's not the same as prohibiting the enzyme from making estrogen.

You're right dbol shouldn't just be fucked around with but that goes for ALL AAS not just dbol. Any aromatizing compound can cause gyno, not just dbol.

Haha.... I'm not just a douch nor just a pretty face... There is a little operating brain working up there... ;)

For women it's a little different, we don't want viralization, right? So a low dose of 5mg is probably plenty... I've done more personally.. Obviously a low dose at 5mg won't kill the liver too much.
I know just not dbol will cause gyno symptoms, I know other things do too!!

But yea... Now that I wasted my time and yours, I highly doubt that the OP will even read this. This is whyyy I rarely post anything of value knowledge. If they have 2 posts we both know, they aren't coming back. It's okay though... Someone else might read it and it'll help them.
Well, at the end of the day, I really dont give a shit what type of messed up cycles u kids want to try. I'll warn u about the negatives to it.. its your choice tho. I know what I would and wouldn't do. I've researched, experimented, and listened to good advice. Grow some tits and lose your balls for all I care... Everybody like tittys anyways...
Well, at the end of the day, I really dont give a shit what type of messed up cycles u kids want to try. I'll warn u about the negatives to it.. its your choice tho. I know what I would and wouldn't do. I've researched, experimented, and listened to good advice. Grow some tits and lose your balls for all I care... Everybody like tittys anyways...

and ribs

Wanna hear something tbone? Since you brought up titties...
IH knows this story..

I go to the gym at the same time everyday, minus Mondays.
I see the same people, the same people see me. I watch them grow and make no progression. I know whos on cycle, who isn't. Etc.

So, one tool... I can't tell you what he was running but, Last year around this time, he was on cycle. I'm gonna say tren can kinda smell it, and god knows what else. He made great gains..

So The past winter, I didn't go to my normal gym so, I didn't see anyone for a solid six months. I came back, and eventually I started seeing the normal people and here is this tool... He looks so weathered, so runned down and to top it all off... He has the worst case of gyno. I don't feel bad but, I can see it in him, he's so self conscience about it. He seems kinda down and out when he's by himself. I want to say he didn't correctly run a post cycle therapy (pct) and never once bothered to keep an eye on his nipples.

His nipples are so bad, I can see them sagging.

So... Here is a guy now, that made nice progression but, its probably regretting that he didn't do his research. And he probably didn't even know he could avoid this all...

See boys, what happens when you don't clue into shit!!

And who knows if he'll ever get surgery.

I have another funny story too!!
Oh my god... So... since buddy helpped me out a few years back, I just wanted to make sure he's doing good... blah blah blah.. good karma. I know I should see a doc and so should he. So I got ref'd to a new doc (who i still haven't seen cause his ass is on vacation).

So... I figured you know, if this guy is good, maybe I'll let this kid know to check him out if he doesn't have a good doc yet. I messaged him on FB... "Dude, have you seen a doc about your AAS use.." "no why?" We go back and forth, in the end he asks me what AAS is... Fuck! I wanted to slap him thru my phone!!
Haha.... I'm not just a douch nor just a pretty face... There is a little operating brain working up there... ;)

For women it's a little different, we don't want viralization, right? So a low dose of 5mg is probably plenty... I've done more personally.. Obviously a low dose at 5mg won't kill the liver too much.
I know just not dbol will cause gyno symptoms, I know other things do too!!

But yea... Now that I wasted my time and yours, I highly doubt that the OP will even read this. This is whyyy I rarely post anything of value knowledge. If they have 2 posts we both know, they aren't coming back. It's okay though... Someone else might read it and it'll help them.

I know you have an operating brain up there, Ive seen quite a few of your posts and I just wanted to see it here hahaha. I happen to agree with you on oral cycles its just when someone shoots down the idea without a real argument, no one is helped. And again you're right, The 2post wonders might never come back, probably will do whatever cycle they read about in Flex magazine or whatever and will come back here to complain after all is said and done. But I'm bored as a motherfuxker at work so you hardly wasted my time ;) hahahaha. It was fun