please help with dbol cycle


Well fuck, i'd bitch too if something ended up in my hair too, it's the worst, you literally have to wash your hair when that happens, no getting around it!

Plus you just need to find yourself a chick that's gonna like you for you!! Rugged or not! It's a hard thing to find a chick that likes a guy like that!

I got clorox wipes...
I got clorox wipes...

LMFAO... Don't tell me that, tell her that!!! ahahahah... Fucking clorox wipes! You're funny guy, eh!
Why not just show her where the washroom is and give her a fucking towel, tell her to clean up, and get the fuck out!
She probably won't say jack shit, and leave crying, and you wouldn't have to deal with anything ;)

And yeah ^^^ W.T.F Mate!
Just like IH said!!! She'll know where the door is, just explain she needs out ASAP... She can find her own washroom!
I have a bottle of blue hearts 10mg of danabol from thailand...bottle of nolvadex and milk thistle...can any one suggest any first cycle of 32 years old 182 lbs about 17% body fat.. i work out 4 to 5 times a week for an 1 hour each day..thanks

contrary to the other posts here dbol alone can actually make a great cycle for a beginner. do a lot of research. talk to those who have actual experience. plenty of guys like myself have had great success with dbol. of course test alone will work too and test with your dbol will work even better.

heres a good beginner dbol plan

1-12 10mg dbol 2x per day
1-12 .5mg adex eod
1-12 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x per week
day after cycle ends start pct
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/20

or with test
1-12 300mg test ew
1-12 10mg dbol 2x ed
1-14 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ew
1-14 .5mg adex eod
day after your last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot start pct
clomid 100/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/20

So, if you run your dbols for 4weeks... Because that's what suggest due to the liver factor, do you think it's worth your shut down? Or, do you man up and fucking take test with it?!
contrary to the other posts here dbol alone can actually make a great cycle for a beginner. do a lot of research. talk to those who have actual experience. plenty of guys like myself have had great success with dbol. of course test alone will work too and test with your dbol will work even better.

heres a good beginner dbol plan

1-12 10mg dbol 2x per day
1-12 .5mg adex eod
1-12 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x per week
day after cycle ends start pct
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/20

or with test
1-12 300mg test ew
1-12 10mg dbol 2x ed
1-14 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ew
1-14 .5mg adex eod
day after your last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot start pct
clomid 100/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/20

just shut the fuck up

So, if you run your dbols for 4weeks... Because that's what suggest due to the liver factor, do you think it's worth your shut down? Or, do you man up and fucking take test with it?!

4 weeks is suggested do to liver issues by who? if anyone suggests this they arent factoring in doses. lower doses can be run for much longer than high doses.

yea running dbol alone is worth it because it works haha. those who do it report great results in the way of real muscle gains, good feeling, and smooth recovery, with minimal sides all the way around.
lol thanks but no thanks. i prefer to share real experience rather than parroted nonsense. thank you also for sharing your ignorance and lack of respect.

you do realize that running dbol alone will shut down your test? the hormone that makes you a man?

also sharing my ignorance? i think not... lack of respect? yeah most definitely.....shut the fuck up :)
Joe, u might think u have good info about a dbag only cycle, but your wrong. Keep your ignorant shit to yourself, kid... Steroids can be very dangerous if used improperly. You shouldn't be posting about bad ideas to other kids with no knowledge at all.
Probably best to save it (it's not going to go bad). Look into testosterone for your first cycle. You'll need it anyway when you're ready to run dbol, as dbol alone would be a very poor choice for a cycle.

Best of luck.

Definitely going to disagree with this. As a solo oral Dbol isn't a half bad choice for a first cycle. Hell, solo Dbol is what started bodybuilders off back in the golden era. I personally know three people that ran dbol sole as their first cycle, 25mg 30mg and 50mg respectively. All three had great results, the best responder was my friend Ed running the 25mg, he put on 24lbs in 8 weeks and then kept 18 of that. Sure Dbol has a lot of sides that you may encounter, but that is an inherent risk.

Personally, I would like to know if any of the people hating on Dbol have any experience what-so-ever with running a solo cycle of it, or if they are simply perpetuating things that other users have written. Find out for yourself, and then talk about it. If you want to know what primo does, run a solo cycle of primo, now you know exactly what it does for you. Same goes for Dbol or any other drug.