please help with dbol cycle

Definitely going to disagree with this. As a solo oral Dbol isn't a half bad choice for a first cycle. Hell, solo Dbol is what started bodybuilders off back in the golden era. I personally know three people that ran dbol sole as their first cycle, 25mg 30mg and 50mg respectively. All three had great results, the best responder was my friend Ed running the 25mg, he put on 24lbs in 8 weeks and then kept 18 of that. Sure Dbol has a lot of sides that you may encounter, but that is an inherent risk.

Personally, I would like to know if any of the people hating on Dbol have any experience what-so-ever with running a solo cycle of it, or if they are simply perpetuating things that other users have written. Find out for yourself, and then talk about it. If you want to know what primo does, run a solo cycle of primo, now you know exactly what it does for you. Same goes for Dbol or any other drug.

you should shut the fuck up too
Joe, u might think u have good info about a dbag only cycle, but your wrong. Keep your ignorant shit to yourself, kid... Steroids can be very dangerous if used improperly. You shouldn't be posting about bad ideas to other kids with no knowledge at all.

Personally I'm going to disregard anything said by someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're" -_-. Let's not have a temper tantrum and go ahead and get back to our hooked on phonics shall we?
This hardly warrants a response, but if the extent of the intellect of those who disagree with my opinion on a matter is to tell me that I should "shut the fuck up"....then I am almost certainly right!

my previous post was intentionally short and crass because your statement hardly warranted a response..... now get back to shutting the fuck up
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Kid, I don't think your opinion even matters since, it's wrong to begin with... Don't try and help this poor kid out, give him the worst advise and watch him fuck himself.

I don't know what you're running but, I have a feeling you'll come running back saying you fucked up somewhere down the road...

I seee TDOGGG!!!!!
i was afraid this would happen haha. well i wish the best to everyone here. im not going to argue it all to death over and over again. op i just wanted to share my experience with you and some experience of others that i have seen first hand in person. if you decide to do some research i suggest you start with its origin and go from there. there is a very big story behind dbol.

i will respond to the kid comment. thank you :)
I dont think dbol test is to far fetched for a first cycle although I would suggest you really research how to eat or youll waste your first cycle.
Damn.... when you guys derail a thread you REALLY derail a thread! :D

Looks like it's back on course though lol.... sort of!

Also... I guess I'm growing a vag because I likes me some Var. Only about a week in (and 7 weeks into my test) but it's def. making a difference!
I'm not saying I agree with Joe or Nosy but at least they can provide their insight and opinions without resorting to childish bullshit. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of others.
I'm not saying I agree with Joe or Nosy but at least they can provide their insight and opinions without resorting to childish bullshit. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of others.

I'm glad you're not agreeing! You should know better.. And the first two posts were probably the best advise.... If I recall...

Ok I will definitely order some test to go with it..whats a good first cycle to do

Read stickies!

Or do what everyone else has done in the past, picked a book up and read, or went online and researched hours on end and then come to a logical conclusion.

As far as Joe and Nosy go; C'mon.. Where do you conclude to such stupid ideas... Here is my question for you two... Did you two bozos go to chem class? Or did any light reading on any of the hormones you've injected or? did you go by hearsay evidence? Sometimes "broscience" isn't all the best.

OP my advice to you. Dbol only isn't worth it in my opinion. You don't have a vagina so, just grow a pair and get some oils and pin!!! If you've contemplated this far about juicing, you might as well not be a sissy and take orals only. I strongllyyy suggest you do some heavy reading! Fully grasp the concept of everything then, if you're not clear, ask questions. NO SHORTCUTS!
I'm glad you're not agreeing! You should know better.. And the first two posts were probably the best advise.... If I recall...

I know enough to keep an open mind and not dismiss a constructive argument without giving it logical thought. Again I don't necessarily agree with him and we dint always see eye to eye but that doesnt mean i have to resort to making inflaming comments. I've seen you mention before the book Anabolics by William Llewellyn. In your own words it has "everything you need to know about AAS". It's funny how this "great book" actually mentions dbol only cycles as being effective for certain purposes yet you completely dismiss that idea in here along with a few others. According to the book it has its uses or is the book now wrong?

Your "vagina and grow a pair" comments is nothing more than unsubstantiated opinions. He never said he was scared to pin so where you get your ideas to the fact he should grow a pair is beyond me.

You start name calling like a child to Joe and Nosy. You go on to mention chem classes. Have you ever taken one to know what you're talking about? Didn't think so yet you're still making hearsay arguments just like you accuse them of doing. Hypocrisize much? If you had done the light reading you advised them to do, in a book you advocate for nonetheless, you'd see their ideas aren't as far fetched as you make it out to be. Or are you going by the hearsay/bro-science evidence you call others out for?
I know enough to keep an open mind and not dismiss a constructive argument without giving it logical thought. Again I don't necessarily agree with him and we dint always see eye to eye but that doesnt mean i have to resort to making inflaming comments. I've seen you mention before the book Anabolics by William Llewellyn. In your own words it has "everything you need to know about AAS". It's funny how this "great book" actually mentions dbol only cycles as being effective for certain purposes yet you completely dismiss that idea in here along with a few others. According to the book it has its uses or is the book now wrong?

Your "vagina and grow a pair" comments is nothing more than unsubstantiated opinions. He never said he was scared to pin so where you get your ideas to the fact he should grow a pair is beyond me.

You start name calling like a child to Joe and Nosy. You go on to mention chem classes. Have you ever taken one to know what you're talking about? Didn't think so yet you're still making hearsay arguments just like you accuse them of doing. Hypocrisize much? If you had done the light reading you advised them to do, in a book you advocate for nonetheless, you'd see their ideas aren't as far fetched as you make it out to be. Or are you going by the hearsay/bro-science evidence you call others out for?

why dont you go back to the "horny enough to fuck a dude in da ass" thread where you belong. seems to be more your style.