please help with timing this cycle: EPISTANE / TEST / ANAVAR / CLEN / KETO / PCT


New member
hey guys! i'll start off by saying i appreciate you guys helping me out here, i could really use some knowledgeable advice..

24 years old
6' 190-195lbs
low bodyfat (all abs visible)
BS degree in dietetics

ultimately be 210lbs ripped

so i'm getting ready to start this cycle, i have pretty much everything in hand, but was hoping somebody could help me with how i should spread out the products i have.. i keep hearing so much "BRO SCIENCE" from every person i talk to, so i was hoping you guys could help me out.. here is what i have:

1 bottle CEL E-Stane (epistane, as a kickstart)
40mL Test-E (16 weeks @ 500mg EW)
50 tabs of 50mg anavar (was thinking of running @ 75mg ED)
30mL liquid clen (200mcg/mL)
30mL liquid keto (1mg/mL)

1 bottle Liquid Clomid 70mL (35mg/mL)
1 bottle Liquid Tamox 50mL (20mg/mL)
1 bottle LiquiDex 30mL (1mg/mL)

i was hoping you guys could help me out in terms of what weeks i should be running what, and at what amounts.. i really appreciate you guys helping me out here, i want to make sure i do this right and avoid hurting myself.. thank you guys for all your help!
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