Please review my cycle


New member

I am posting to ask what you guys think of my cycle. First I will provide some of my background as I think that could help with the cycle review. I have been a bodybuilder for 11 years on and off. I took my first cycle in 2003 and cycled consistently until 2007. Last year at this same time I ran some gear for 12 weeks. I have been on a 10 month layoff and I am getting ready to get back into the game. My goals for this cycle is to harden up, increase my strength a bit. Drop a few pounds and get a little vainy while keeping sides low. With that said here is my cycle:

(8 weeks)
Boldeone 400mg wk
Test E 600mg wk
Anavar 80mg daily
Proviron 50mg daily

Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance.