Please review my diet


New member
4 egg whites
4 whole eggs
3/4 cup dry oatmeal
12oz Milk

15 grams whey protein
15 gram protein bar
16 oz. Tea

Formula 1 Healthy meal shake w/ oatmeal
(30 grams protein, 60 grams carbohydrates roughly 350 calories)

12-14 ounces fish/chicken/steak
1 whole wheat bagel

post workout
muscle strength and recovery w/ milk
about 35g carbs, 45g protein, 400 calories

4 eggs whites only
4 eggs whole
3/4 cups oatmeal
12 oz milk

I also am on a dbo/ sustanon 250 cycle and
take multiple vitamins

All supplementation are herbalife products (i dont want to hear a speech on this im pretty set on the quality of these products)
What are your goals? If its to gain you aren't eating near enough carbs your Pre and post workout meals. Your 4th meal is like you're playing catch up for the meals earlier in the day - 14oz, really? That's the only real meal you take in (outside of eggs) and even then its probably too much protein for your body to consume all at once.
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that's a bit ugly.. your diet needs a revamping whether your cutting or bulking imo...
trying to gain weight , not bulk clean weight

my first and last meal consist of about:
700 calories

... wat else you would you add to the other meals?

i do take a preworkout drink with some whey protein in it