Hey there, haven't been on here in a while. My first cycle was about 21 weeks ago. Finished my PCT and everything went great. Test E and EQ did a great job. 170lbs to 190. I'm at around 180-185 now a week off pct. I feel good still get great pumps in the gym. So now onto cycle #2. Which I plan well in advance. I want to run Sustanon, Deca, and oral Tren. My main question is regarding oral Tren. I have to use it this way due to the PIP of over 2ml per injection period is too much for me. I end up limping around and avoiding deep squats. It is what it is. Do you think I should run oral Tren or oral Deca? And if so what dosage? Aromasin is my AI and I'll be running 750 Sustanon and 400 Deca. Tren probably around 500 in my 6th week and I'll lower the sust then.