New member
Hi guys hope u can help im sorda new at this so please have mercey on my > im 37 years old and lifted hard bout yr got good gains but i got stuck and couldnt go forth and had lots buddy encouraging me to try test e 300mg so i did a 12 week cycle of 450mg aweek and got great gains out it and done a what i thought was proper pct heres what i did bout week after last pin istarted pct with nolva n clomid : 1st day clomid 300mg rest that week 100mg and next 2 weeks at 50mg and nolva i did 40mg first 2 weeks and 20mg last week and recovered fine no issuues also took cycle assit while on and off cycle also fish oil 1500mg after bout 6 weeks i started another cycle of test e for bout 14 weeks with same supplements as before but at about the last 4 weeks of this cycle i stacked a prohormone called methyldrol took one in morn and one in eve seem to be a help on gains and after that cycle bout week later i started pct with the same as above with nolva n clomid cycle assist and for 3 weeks again and after i quit pct i noticed i gradually got worse i mean no sex drive at at and barley get hard if did wouldnt last long i talked some buddys for advice they seem think i jus didt stay on pct long enough so i was off bout week and i started back on clomid at 40mg a day and 20mg of clomid a day and added in tribulus to see if that help but seems im plum out now cant get hard much at all and no desire i use to be like a wild monkey with sex i miss it badddd id love to figure out what went wrong and see what i can do now im thinking of heading to dr soon , im stressing bout this bad hope it nothen serious please help guys im all ears i know prob some this my fault but u live and learn i guess > im still on nolva and clomid with no help what should i do from here? Im strongly thinking of starting another cycle bout 12 week and hit a better pct hard if i can et advice on pct ive read alot bout hcg if i should have ran during cycle or after , at this point what can i or should i do ? Please help veterians>>>>>>