Plz help sex drive gone and cant get johnson to work after pct (help)!!!!!

We know Viagra and Cialis are wonders but here's an easy one for you.

There only a few natural products that I trust and THIS IS ONE THAT WORKS LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER!!!

You have to have a good brand and the right dose and its L-Arginine

I take 6-8 900mg capsules a day - 2 with a meal and it works great.

I first picked up a bottle at GNC while waiting for a mail order which worked great
but it was about 4x the cost.

I wont list the website but if you google Swanson L-Arginine you'll find it...
it now comes in a 850mg - and you can read some reviews with different milligram bottles.

I was taking meds for my blood pressure and stopped several month ago and started taking
L-Arginine and my blood pressure is now fine.

It also keeps my DICK PLUMP like the fucker is ready to go at any moment.

My wife is always saying - look... "it's sticking out of your boxers!"

I'm not a rep nor do I have any affiliation with them - bu I stock up when they have a sale
and right now have 10 bottles. :D

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I read this entire thread and not one of us has mentioned anything about HCG. I realize that it's not advisable to take while not on cycle. Having said that. I think in this case it is warranted to blast HCG 500iu 3 times a week for 2 weeks followed by 250 iu 3 times a week for the remaining 2 and a half weeks of a 5000iu vial. Then start another round of PCT. I'll bet anything he will be right as rain after that.

I had a rough time recovering from a Tren cycle last summer. I too am a little long in the tooth at 42 years old. I did a proper PCT with just a short blast of HCG and was unsuccessful come to find out my last vial of tren A was actual Tren Hex miss labeled. Opps. So I had a similar experience flag only flew at half mast and could not get off. So I talked to a couple buddies and did a little research. Also did a blood panel which found my T levels crazy low and E within range of normal. So I did the Protocol I described above, and recovered just fine.

Also check the sponsors on this site and find some Tadalafil I think that's how you spell it. That is the non brand name for cialis. About a 1/4 the price of prescription and works just as good. The main thing is don't panic. You will be fine. You have to take the good with the bad. There is no free ride with AAS. One way or another you pay a little. Take it as a lesson learned and research HCG. You should also from this point going forward use it while on cycle just as an insurance policy.

The one thing that concerns me about your situation is you mentioned the sore tender nips. That is a good indicator that your E is high, or it could be it is in normal range and your T is low enough to upset the ratio and cause symptoms of high E based on the ratio being off from your low T.

What I am saying is get the blood panel first see where the E is at if it is within normal range try what I described above. If its high and T is low then you might might want to run Exemestane and not Adex while you do the HCG. Adex would be a bad choice because it only renders the E ineffective and does not reduce it or eliminate it. So once you go off the Adex it comes back with a vengence. Exemestane will kill it altogether and not cause the rebound.

Good luck,
thanks guys for all the info. im lost on the hcg know nothen about it and afraid to take much of anything the shape im in now, is it possible with nolva 20 mg and 40 mg clomid and tribulus and also im taking cycle assit while on pct . should know something soon on my labs soon ill post them. wish I could b so sure bout the fix everybody tells me something lil diff.....
just be prepared that it may take another 3 or even 6 months to recover, and there is the possibility that your natural test levels will never return to normal... that is one of the side effects

keep up with the extended PCT protocol and be patient
thanks guys for all the info. im lost on the hcg know nothen about it and afraid to take much of anything the shape im in now, is it possible with nolva 20 mg and 40 mg clomid and tribulus and also im taking cycle assit while on pct . should know something soon on my labs soon ill post them. wish I could b so sure bout the fix everybody tells me something lil diff.....

Dude do yourself a favor and do a little research on HCG on these boards and others. It's safer than any of the other stuff your happily ladling into your body. I still can't believe no one is backing me up on this its literally Body building with AAS 101
im interested in it if its safe but from what ive read and heard from so many is run hcg while on cycle . Hell I don't know that's reason im here hoping some body can give a positive direct answer on what I should be currenty doing . again if anybody could tell me if im patient is what im currently do the best I can with clomid 40 mg and nolva 20 md everyday along with tribulus for what it might b worth and im also continuing cycle assist with pct . I know time is crushule here so that's why im wondering if I need to hurry up and add or throw something else in to help recover.
I agree, I posted my thread link to where I discuss the whole killed libido and ED and HCG is THE main thing that kick started it! If you look a little further up I posted the link, but hes right, HCG is the key and I will swear by it from now on

give that a read, this worked for me and so far is working and I am into PCT, but my libido was seriously dead as a brick!
im gonna look into hcg really hard see if its worth the shot, my biggest fear is taking something that will make it worse and really knowing the proper infp on taking it late going on 5 weeks in pct . if I start it now will it b ok ? and how much? jus dead lost on where im at rt now . I ve ask this question a lot if anybody can help me will what im currently doing ever get me lined out and is dosage enough ? rt now im taking clomid 40 mg and nolva 20 mg and tribulus and still continue cycle assit into pct. is this enough mg or what u think? and guys plz get together and give opinion on start hcg 5 weeks into pct is it rt to do now? thanks so much guys...........
another thing guys why am I still feeling the burning tinkling in nips? is the clomid rasing estrogen levels? what should I do raise nolva to 40mg and stay at 40 mg clomid? damn jus confused!!!!!!!
^^ OP -- did you run an AI throughout your cycle and up until your started pct ?

If you didn't run an AI and your e2 levels are highly elevated, that may be causing ALL your problems
I didn't run AI through cycle and didn't 1st time and was fine. couple question what should I have ran while on? and what should I b doing rt now been 5 weeks pct with nolva n clomid tribulus cycle assist?
I didn't run AI through cycle and didn't 1st time and was fine. couple question what should I have ran while on? and what should I b doing rt now been 5 weeks pct with nolva n clomid tribulus cycle assist?

Running a cycle without an AI is never fine.. I don't think you were fine last time either (maybe felt "ok", but bloods would have told you that you were not ok)..

Your now paying for the consequences of being misinformed.

Running an AI like arimidex at .25 mg eod for the duration of a cycle is pretty common knowledge and is all over this forum and the stickies..

You really need to get bloods done .. Low E2 as well as really high e2 can cause ED.. What's your blood pressure? Your nips hurt cause of estrogen as well is my bet.

Simply taking an AI during cycle may have prevented all of this from happening
I didn't run AI through cycle and didn't 1st time and was fine. couple question what should I have ran while on? and what should I b doing rt now been 5 weeks pct with nolva n clomid tribulus cycle assist?

IF you've run a 5 week pct already with clomid and nolva, just finish up now or run another week. Either way, you need to finish your PCT, wait 6 weeks, and THEN get blood work. It's important to wait 6 weeks since you dropped everything. Get bloods and see what's going on.

At the moment it could be a range of things, you might not have recovered, e2 may be too high, clomid may be agonizing some ERs that your sensitive to, who knows? Finish pct, get bloods, then determine best course of action. Don't go fucking around with hCG now, you may not even need it and using it now will probably just be a hindrance.
thanks so much guys ur all awesome! ive tried to privte messege some of you and it want let me go through > id love to actually speake to few of u guys over phone if don't mind I have lot concerns still. if some of u can PM me ur number or post b appreciated.
thanks so much guys ur all awesome! ive tried to privte messege some of you and it want let me go through > id love to actually speake to few of u guys over phone if don't mind I have lot concerns still. if some of u can PM me ur number or post b appreciated.

No ones going to give you their phone #...... that screams creepy....