Plz help


New member
So I've got a decent build going. Have decent muscle mass coming in but I have fat on my stomach and sides. So I cut down on my fat intake. I've also increased my cardio. I assumed my body would burn fat before muscle. I'm down 7 pounds today after a couple weeks increased cardio and lower cals/fat. My body looks tiny today. Should I re up my cals and just stick to increased cardio?
Dietary fat intake isn't the cause for your love handles. You need to figure out your TDEE and eat 10-20% less than that while meeting minimum protein and dietary fat requirements and micronutrient needs. What are your stats and what are your macros like?
^ this. Lowering fat intake is a common misconception to lose fat. Fats are essential to hormone production and regulation, more so than carbs which is what you really want to be lowering. Of course lowering fats along side is acceptable, but when cutting calories the majority should come from carbs.
6'2 194 12% bf need to start counting macros. I'm not fat but like you said have love handles. Only place I have fat everywhere else is fine tuned
6'2 194 12% bf need to start counting macros. I'm not fat but like you said have love handles. Only place I have fat everywhere else is fine tuned

How old and how active? Like the Captain said, fats are an essential macro along with protein while carbs are not. Here is a rough formula for minimums and the rest of your calories can come form any macro or macros you choose.

Protein= 1g/lb BW 1g protein=4calories
Fat= .4g/lb BW 1g fat=9calories

The rest of your calories can be more fat, more protein, carbs, or any combo of the 3. You definitely need to start counting calories and macros, at least in the beginning until you get a hang of it. I'd also suggest buying a cheap $20 food scale to weigh portions and use an app such as myfitnesspal to track calories and macros.
Thanks for the replies. I'm 26. Very active. Lift weights 4 days a week. Either run a mile or play basketball for an hour 3-4 times a week. I'll def start counting macros. Measured today, haven't lost size. Guess I'm looking smaller from cutting bf and maybe losing bloat from eating healthier.