Poor results on second IGF cycle?


New member
Quick question, hopefully someone knows the problem/solution. Buddy of mine ran IGF1-Lr3 40mcg ed for 4 weeks and got good results. Took 4 weeks off then did another 40mcg ed cycle only this time got very poor results.
Did he kept the igf-1 lr3 refrigerated and was it reconsticuted with AA?Did he ran the cycle sub q or im?Where did he order the igf-1 lr3?Did he felt hypoglycemic? Either it was a bunk product or your friend didnt work out at all,peps dont kick in like steroids do...
Like symbio said did he keep in fridge or freezer did he mix with AA or BA or both was it injected Im or sub Q was it from the same source same product igf-1 has a short life span to begin with but the igf-1Lr3 last alot longer was he doing his injections exactly the same way and same time as last also was he running any gear with it last time ?