New member
ok so i finished up my first cycle test cyp 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. pct was torem 120/90/60/30 and nolva 20/20/20/20. Recovered fine. kept 15 out of the 23 lbs. I am now 1 1/2 months out of pct with about two months before i start my next lean bulker with test e 600/wk and tbol 60mg/day. My question......I want to drop some bf but maintain my muscle before going on my next cycle so would it be a good idea to get on some osta at 15mg/day for 6 weeks alongside igf-1 lr3 60mcg/day? I know osta is somewhat supressive but i also know that igf-1 makes you more sensitive to lh (leutinizing hormone) helping you recover quicker from cycles so would that possibly counteract any suppression from osta? If i do this i will wait another 3-4 weeks after to start my actual cycle. any thought on this? i hope this is the appropriate forum category for this topic.