Hi all, new to this forum, been lurking for a while but first time poster.
I'm 30 years old, 210 lbs @ 6ft 1. Been cycling on and off for 3 years, having run test, deca, tren and eq in various cycles previously. Just thinking of starting my next cycle after having 12 weeks downtime after a test / eq 12 weeker. My source has some TNT in stock which is test en 150 mg per ml, deca 150 mg per ml and tren en 150mg per ml. I've ran both tren and deca separately both with fairly good results / low sides, but never both together. I've heard before that running 2 19 nor's together is generally not recomended but I've also heard that they work synergistically for great results. I have prami, caber and Adex on hand, along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to run throughout. My diet is 4-4.5 k cals a day, 300g protein, moderately healthy ( not too fussed about being uber clean as tren shreds my bf ) and I train 4 days a week heavy for 90 minutes per session. My goal is to add 10-14 lbs relatively lean while staying around 12% fat which I'm currently at. Any thoughts on this stack? I was planning on running 4ml per week which equates to 600mg of each per week for 12-14 weeks.
I'm 30 years old, 210 lbs @ 6ft 1. Been cycling on and off for 3 years, having run test, deca, tren and eq in various cycles previously. Just thinking of starting my next cycle after having 12 weeks downtime after a test / eq 12 weeker. My source has some TNT in stock which is test en 150 mg per ml, deca 150 mg per ml and tren en 150mg per ml. I've ran both tren and deca separately both with fairly good results / low sides, but never both together. I've heard before that running 2 19 nor's together is generally not recomended but I've also heard that they work synergistically for great results. I have prami, caber and Adex on hand, along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to run throughout. My diet is 4-4.5 k cals a day, 300g protein, moderately healthy ( not too fussed about being uber clean as tren shreds my bf ) and I train 4 days a week heavy for 90 minutes per session. My goal is to add 10-14 lbs relatively lean while staying around 12% fat which I'm currently at. Any thoughts on this stack? I was planning on running 4ml per week which equates to 600mg of each per week for 12-14 weeks.