Possible plan for next cycle. Advice / comments


New member
Hi all, new to this forum, been lurking for a while but first time poster.
I'm 30 years old, 210 lbs @ 6ft 1. Been cycling on and off for 3 years, having run test, deca, tren and eq in various cycles previously. Just thinking of starting my next cycle after having 12 weeks downtime after a test / eq 12 weeker. My source has some TNT in stock which is test en 150 mg per ml, deca 150 mg per ml and tren en 150mg per ml. I've ran both tren and deca separately both with fairly good results / low sides, but never both together. I've heard before that running 2 19 nor's together is generally not recomended but I've also heard that they work synergistically for great results. I have prami, caber and Adex on hand, along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to run throughout. My diet is 4-4.5 k cals a day, 300g protein, moderately healthy ( not too fussed about being uber clean as tren shreds my bf ) and I train 4 days a week heavy for 90 minutes per session. My goal is to add 10-14 lbs relatively lean while staying around 12% fat which I'm currently at. Any thoughts on this stack? I was planning on running 4ml per week which equates to 600mg of each per week for 12-14 weeks.
I have heard the same about running multiple nor 19's, but if you could control the sides deca + tren would be righteous combo.

Never hurts to try something now, keep us posted. :D
I'm thinking that running a low dose of both prami and Adex, while keeping caber on hand should take care of preventative measures. The only time I've experienced any form of gyno issues ( very mild ) was when I ran a high dose of dbol to kickstart a cycle (60mg per day for 5 weeks) - a bit silly i know. My last cycle was 750mg test / 600 mg eq for 12 weeks and I kept 8lbs from it, this is effectively going to be my last cycle for a year so was thinking of high dosing it.... I think I'm set on starting next week so unless anyone chimes in saying its a ridiculously bad idea, I'll keep a progress log.
Yeah bro, stay on top of your game with your ancillaries, ect. and I don't see why you wouldn't be fine. Definitely get your mid cycle blood work to ensure everything is in place, and you should be making some nasty gains. Tren + Decca is my dream cycle.
I'm running it now and not having any issues with side affects but I am only in my third week. I'll keep you posted if anything comes up with my shit.
Công ty c***7893; ph***7847;n ***273;***7847;u t***432; th***432;***417;ng m***7841;i và phát tri***7875;n DVN
Chuyên cung c***7845;p các thi***7871;t b***7883; ***273;óng c***7855;t t***7921; ***273;***7897;ng, thi công l***7855;p ***273;***7863;t nhà công nghi***7879;p, cung c***7845;p máy phát ***273;i***7879;n t***7921; ***273;***7897;ng ***273;***7843;o chi***7873;u khi m***7845;t ***273;i***7879;n, bán buôn bán l***7867; máy r***7917;a bát.
Hãy ***273;***7871;n v***7899;i dvn.vn ***273;***7875; ***273;***432;***7907;c h***432;***7903;ng các chính sách v***7873; giá và h***7853;u mãi t***7889;t nh***7845;t.

My thoughts exactly !
Personally not a fan of the mixed compounds... What happens if you decide the tren just needs a touch more? I'd rather mix it in the syringe and I get to adjust accordingly.
Incidentally, thats a shit ton of gear in 1 ML! Let us know how the PIP goes
I am concerned that p.i.p
Is gonna be an issue but no pain no gain eh? I'm thinking of running a couple weeks tren ace / test prop to kickstart as I've got some laying around, bloodwork won't be a problem as my doc is onboard, can't wait to get back on, stocks come in on Friday so I might jump straight on.