Post a Forearm Picture...

Once again.. Since my apology post was deleted. Heres the cleaned up version...;)

Okay, drugs are a part of my past. I dont do them anymore, even though I joke about it. Like I said I've been clean for 2.5yrs. Whether you want to believe me or not.
Also, I only take 500mg of testosterone a week, thats the truth. Whether you want to believe me or not... Thats how this whole thing started, which is really pretty stupid.
I was out of line when I called you a "racist remark", it was uncalled for. I shouldnt of snooped to a racial level no matter how funny I thought it was. So I'm sorry for that, I can be a man and admit it and move on...

Roush- That comment you made about hacking me with hackers off the "dark web" was the gayest post I've ever read, seriously. (whether it was a joke or not, it doesn't matter). Don't try and take it back because you can't, once again its already said and done. It will go down as one of the all-time lamest threats on here. God that was just pathetic.

Peace, Now enough bs lets see those forearms...
Once again.. Since my apology post was deleted. Heres the cleaned up version...;)

Okay, drugs are a part of my past. I dont do them anymore, even though I joke about it. Like I said I've been clean for 2.5yrs. Whether you want to believe me or not.
Also, I only take 500mg of testosterone a week, thats the truth. Whether you want to believe me or not... Thats how this whole thing started, which is really pretty stupid.
I was out of line when I called you a "racist remark", it was uncalled for. I shouldnt of snooped to a racial level no matter how funny I thought it was. So I'm sorry for that, I can be a man and admit it and move on...

Roush- That comment you made about hacking me with hackers off the "dark web" was the gayest post I've ever read, seriously. (whether it was a joke or not, it doesn't matter). Don't try and take it back because you can't, once again its already said and done. It will go down as one of the all-time lamest threats on here. God that was just pathetic.

Peace, Now enough bs lets see those forearms...

Take what back.. I think your just a little paranoid or something man,, cause you know I got bank and connections ;)

The comment I made about my roladex of hackers from the dark web was TO 49er... NOT you.
I offered 49er my "connections" -- it was a joke between me and him..
It wasn't a threat to you,, like I side I would not pay bit coin to have a "nobody" hacked

And as far as the comment being gay,, not only are you damn paranoid, but your homophobic too..(and obviously racist... But I think those comments were deleted)

You Repost what a mod deleted , for good reason. -- then say let's move on, lol
i lost track of who started what.

i don't have beef with anybody here, so I'm going to say it

- if this was my bar id throw all of you out and tell you to come back tomorrow and buy each other a beer.

play nice or just shut the fuck up, read absolutely nothing clever or funny here - its getting old.

im a junkie. after a fucked up accident a doc wrote me scripts right into being an addict

clean a few years now, hardest thing i ever did

I have been thru the same thing... Still trying to recover after the addiction... Got into an accident and doc wrote me a prescription, next thing i know im using my needles for b12 to shoot up opiates... I spent 24years telling myself everyday "sacrifice today so tomorrow is better".. I was left to raise myself at a yound age and knew i had to work hard to be a somebody... All i ever wanted was to e happy, healthy, have a job i love and have a family... I sacrificed so much in my life to get there, my baby was a year an a half old, i just began my family and got my dream job when i got into the accident... In 5 months i destroyed what took me 24 years to build... The second i was told to choose family or drugs i quit. But the recovery has been just as tough on our relationship as it was when i was uskng and now i think she is going to move on... Just some advice is choose pain over long term prescription, it only takes 4 days to become physically addicted to opiates
I have been thru the same thing... Still trying to recover after the addiction... Got into an accident and doc wrote me a prescription, next thing i know im using my needles for b12 to shoot up opiates... I spent 24years telling myself everyday "sacrifice today so tomorrow is better".. I was left to raise myself at a yound age and knew i had to work hard to be a somebody... All i ever wanted was to e happy, healthy, have a job i love and have a family... I sacrificed so much in my life to get there, my baby was a year an a half old, i just began my family and got my dream job when i got into the accident... In 5 months i destroyed what took me 24 years to build... The second i was told to choose family or drugs i quit. But the recovery has been just as tough on our relationship as it was when i was uskng and now i think she is going to move on... Just some advice is choose pain over long term prescription, it only takes 4 days to become physically addicted to opiates

palmer.. you sir, are a fucking bad ass. head up shoulders back and eyes to the future my man.

please check you inbox later tonight, will shoot you a pm as soon as i wrap up what I'm doing at the moment..

congrats on slaying the dragon

cheers man, Bronson
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but grippers are great for forearm size. After you close Captain of Crush no 3 (280lbs) yors forearms should be pretty big. It's awesome for grip strength to, probably because that’s what they are made for :-p I can only close 2.5 (237.5lbs) myself. Took me 4-5months to be able to close it and now I can do 4, almost 5 reps with it.

Oh, and just forget about the crappy plastic ones that you can do 1000 reps with.