Post Cycle Bloodwork!!!! results


New member
Well my previous cycle was 200mg test e/week for 12 weeks and 100 mg Winstrol (winny) Inj mwf for I believe it was almsot 8 weeks.

Results, Only things out of order r

RBC 5.84 normal 4.10-5.60
MCH 26.5 normal 27.0-34.0
BUN 27 normal 5-26
Bilirubin was .9 normal .1-1.2

Is the RBC anyhting to worry about??? I just started another cycle.
No that's nothing to worry about...I'm really suprised your LDL/HDL ratio wasn't screwed up from the Winstrol (winny) though. How long was it since your last cycle that you had the blood work done?
LivingSculpture said:
Well my previous cycle was 200mg test e/week for 12 weeks and 100 mg Winstrol (winny) Inj mwf for I believe it was almsot 8 weeks.

Results, Only things out of order r

RBC 5.84 normal 4.10-5.60
MCH 26.5 normal 27.0-34.0
BUN 27 normal 5-26
Bilirubin was .9 normal .1-1.2

Is the RBC anyhting to worry about??? I just started another cycle.

i noticed the BUN, doesent that have to do with the kidneys? i had some blood work done and my BUN values were higer than normal...he told me to up the water intake and slack off on the protein? Ive have increased my water going back next week for more bloodwork. anyone have this issue?
DocJ said:
No that's nothing to worry about...I'm really suprised your LDL/HDL ratio wasn't screwed up from the Winstrol (winny) though. How long was it since your last cycle that you had the blood work done?

Would that be included in the complete metabolic panel(whats it listed under), maybe I missed it, but those were the values "out of range". Had bloodwork done right b4 previous cycle and this is about 4 months out.