Post cycle ED


New member
Hello everyone. Sorry my first post here is a downer. That being said, I am happy to be here.

Ok, down to business.

I just finished my third cycle. A little too hard for a third cycle I think but nonetheless, this is what I did:

12 weeks
Dbol for 30 days to kick in the test
750 Test e
400 Deca

My sex drive was out of the roof, I was masturbating or having sex with my girlfriend up to 3 times a day. I was a madman.
But that all came to a grinding hault 1 month ago.

I think the last vial of test e I was using was bad because the last 3 pins I did my body seemed to reject them and have a bad reaction i.e. pain in pin area over a week after pin, red all around it.

So, I cracked 1 new bottle of test e open and only pinned test e the last two weeks in hopes I could end the cycle correctly

The same week I only shot test e I noticed I was not able to achieve a full erection. It was like a rope. It doesn't respond to stimulation so much anymore either.

So, two weeks ago, I started pct.
50mg Clomid and 20mg Nolva
I also purchased some dostinex just to be safe in case and have been taking .50mg ED for the past 2 days. I plan to stay on this for about 2 weeks or more.

So, all this being said, how does my plan of attack sound and at what point should I go get blood work done if this does improve?

Shouldn't I complete pct before getting blood work done to give my body time to stabilize?

I knew deca and test e could have this effect on people, but I really didn't think it would break my dick lol
One other thing.
I started post cycle therapy (pct) with 100 clomid and 40 nolva for the first week. Started week 2 (which I am just wrapping up) I reduced to 50 clomid and 20 nolva for the remaining 3 weeks
deca will stay in your system in bodyfat for up to 8 weeks after last pin,so do your PCT,its gonna be rough as me i know
Dammit. This really is the old story of jumping into a steroid and not realizing how strong an effect it is going to have on you. There were so many others I could have chosen to use instead.

So, for you Bullseye, how long was it before you began to get back to normal after your last deca pin?
Someone on another forum has recommended I use hcgenerate and pct/unleashed combo pack. That these products should bring me back and help cure my Deca Dick. I read nothing but good reviews about them before hand.

Dammit. This really is the old story of jumping into a steroid and not realizing how strong an effect it is going to have on you. There were so many others I could have chosen to use instead.

So, for you Bullseye, how long was it before you began to get back to normal after your last deca pin?

well i didnt ever have ED problems at all.I used caber the whole time during my cycle,and no problems,but once my last pin of deca i decreased my test dose 100mg every week until i got to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose,so i wouldnt just crash,that went well

but my problem about sex was finishing,i had good libido,no problems with ED or anything i just couldnt finish,so i started taking caber again,and its been 6 weeks since my last pin of deca and im having problems with finishing,now alot of it is stress,but also i shouldnt have stopped taking caber for 2 weeks,that messed me up,so ive restarted my caber,hoping soon i will get better soon,

I will know next time when i use deca,i wont stop my caber fo at least 2 months after my last pin of deca

basically its your hormones getting re organized back to normal
I really feel it's the blind leading the blind on all these forums. I contacted my primary care doctor today and told his nurse the short story of what was happening. Luckily this is only my 2 or 3rd cycle. I am going in tomorrow for blood work and we will go from there on getting my guys working again. I am not wasting any more money on herbal this or herbal that and magic remedies to get my balls and dick working again.
I recommend anyone do the same
I really feel it's the blind leading the blind on all these forums. I contacted my primary care doctor today and told his nurse the short story of what was happening. Luckily this is only my 2 or 3rd cycle. I am going in tomorrow for blood work and we will go from there on getting my guys working again. I am not wasting any more money on herbal this or herbal that and magic remedies to get my balls and dick working again.
I recommend anyone do the same

Telling your doctor that you took AAS is the dumbest thing you could have done. That will go on your record and any time you try to get health insurance or life insurance in the future you could be fucked. Also, honestly most doctors don't know shit when it comes to steroids. My primary care doctor was clueless when he put me on TRT. Saying its the blind leading the blind here is not cool. There are people on here that are extremely knowledgeable.
Telling your doctor that you took AAS is the dumbest thing you could have done. That will go on your record and any time you try to get health insurance or life insurance in the future you could be fucked. Also, honestly most doctors don't know shit when it comes to steroids. My primary care doctor was clueless when he put me on TRT. Saying its the blind leading the blind here is not cool. There are people on here that are extremely knowledgeable.

and Meathead is one of the smartest on here!!!!! i was telling you of my experience with deca,it messes with everyone different,most people it gives them ED during cycle,but lucky me lol it affected me after i quit taking it,but i learned a valuable lesson,and i even studies on deca a year prior to using it,and still got snake bit,but i will always use it in every cycle i do from now on,you gotta learn what your body responds to
Just an update and an apology:
Sorry for being a dick earlier in this thread. For anyone who has been through it having a hormone crash makes you a little edgy, gives you lots of anxiety and makes you emotional. I apologize. I just felt desperate and wasn't feeling like myself. was my first time, lol.

That being said I have learned a few things about myself, deca.

1. I should have used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout my cycle and I did not.
2. Perhaps my dosages for Test and Deca should have been lower since I am a small guy
3. Deca does not play well with my body
4. You don't know SHIT until you have blood work done.

So, what happened?

I am really not sure other than my HPTA crashed.
I had blood work done, my test was high but no FSH or LS hormones. My test eventually died down but my cock never came back to life.
Blood pressure through the roof, etc.

My doctor was completely cool. I told him this was the result of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) not my AAS and though he knows I was lying he kept it cool.
I have been going for blood work every 3 months. Each time my hormones are a little higher.
He put me on 100mg viagara until my dick begins working correctly again.

As of now, I have not been on anything since April. My levels are slowly coming back but still have low libido and cock is slowly.....very slowly coming back but not there yet.

My plans as of today?

Wait until my levels are back to normal again and then begin Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to bring up my test levels for a few months before beginning a new Test and Dbol only cycle.

Regardless that I didn't have all the proper procedures before using DECA I don't ever want to go through this again.

For the future I will only use milder steroids like EQ, etc and will make sure I have everything I need at hand but just as importantly, I am going to only use name brand products. No more fly by night sellers that come and go as I also believe there was a quality control problem with the gear I was using as well.

Sorry if I flew off the handle months earlier but this is serious business with your body and guessing was getting me nowhere.
It wasn't anyone here's fault. It was my own. I should have been getting blood work done as soon as this happened.