Post Cycle Therapy Issues (srsly help)


New member
Hey y'all,

I'm having some difficulties with my PCT.. I'm 26 years old and I'm on my last week of my 12 week (Test Cyp 500mg) cycle. I lost contact of the guy who I bought the test off of. No way I can find him.. This is also my first cycle and, yeah, well I didn't prepare that well
12 weeks is good for a test cycle as well as 500mg of test per week. What else did you pin bro? any hcg, how about an Ai?
what do you have in mind for pct as of now? nolva and clomid for sure.
For pct needs be sure to contact the sponsors here as they have all that you will need to finish your cycle off well.

You also should share your personal stats, height, bf%, weight, age, complete cycle history.
big no no starting a cycle without having everything on hand.. youll have to source some clomid. youre going to need 50mg ed for 4 weeks (keep in mind, sourcing is against the rules on the forum)