Post cycle therapy (pct) after 3 months!


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pct after 3 months!

i just found this forums trough google while searching for pct after deca dick.
anyway, like 5 or 6 months ago i did 7 testestrone injections per 5 days 200mg per each with 100mg deca nadrolone and continued to use just deca 100mg/week without test for almost like 2.5 months and i was too stupid and didn't really knew any shit about pct so i didn't do any.(first steroid cycle ever in my life!).
now,4 to 5 months has been passed and my test levels has dropped down to pretty low level and lost some size on the balls!
someone suggested me to do 3 injections of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5 days between each 500ui per each so i did it and luckily my balls size went back to normal but still test level is on pretty low stage!i've asked on other forums and someone suggested me taking nolvadex 20mg day for 6 weeks and clomid 50mg day x week1,100mg day x week2,50mg day x week3.
is these things gonna help me to get test levels back to normal or i'm too late?
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Yes I guess that's right..
May be u d need 2 weeks of test at low dose..
Then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast 10 days 4 days to pct .. Then start ur pct as recommended.. I myself don't upload the clomid but many do still never saw ur protocol 50/100/50/2.5, doesn't feel right..
.. So... Try some other opinions and go with what suits u more