Post cycle therapy (pct) done but still no nuts :(


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PCT done but still no nuts :(

9 weeks, test eth(800) and tren eth(400) per week, also did 5 drops of armidex everyday as a anti est.
-on my 8th weeks I had no dick, sex drive was there but couldnt preform at all.
finished up my 9th week. took 2 weeks off from everthing(except the armidex)
-after that two week clear time had passed I started 5000iu`s of HCG(broken into five 1000iu shots, a shot every third day, as well as clomid(50mg per day).
-This went on for about 2-2.5 weeks, all five shots of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) where used but still no dick and no sex drive.
-got another 5000iu`s of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and repeated the process again as well as taking tribulus this time around too.(so this is about 4.5-5 weeks after my last pin of the cycle)
on the second round of HCG,clomid,tribulus I had a amazing sex drive(3-5 times a day) felt like my normal self again with my wife.
-after the last pin(5th pin) of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) my tribulus lasted about a week past that...anddd no sex drive again! over half the nights I cant even get it up.

So I am stuck here not sure what to do. Do I do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid again. I think the first time I did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) it wasnt working at all because I did it too soon to the last pin of my cycle(ethanates) and it was counter acting.

This is a huge issue for me and Id love to get it figured out. If i have to ill do a third round of HCG/clomid/nolva again

I know now that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is best during cycle and not after, but didnt know that months ago :p

thank you in advance

had bloodwork done and getting results back in a few days
If a restart protocol will help I will do that, something like 2000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E3D for two weeks, 100mg clomid daily for a month and 20mg nolva daily for 45days
I feel your pain brother! Looking forward to some educated answers :) I remember the days when 50 novla's would get me rolling again.
got my bloodwork back today,
bio test available is 2.01 in a ref range of 2.40 - 8.50 so not even in the range :(
total test is 10.1 in a range of 9.0-29.7 so thats low too
Sex hormone binding globulin is 32 in a range of 13-74
estradiol is 103.2 ... not sure but i think the range it states is ND-146.0

This was taken when I had nothing in my system.

after the bloodtest was done,I had about 10 clomid left over so I started taking 1 a day, figured it wouldnt well as taking 4g of tribulus a day. sex drive is up slightly but nothing like normal for me.