Post cycle therapy (pct) for Ostarine


New member
PCT for Ostarine

Thinkin bout running a light cycle of osta (5mg ED), but gonna play it safe cuase i'm still 19 and don't want to mess up my growth/hpta. Done a ton of research but still need help with the post cycle therapy (pct).
Test Booster - DAA (HCG too hard to get)
AI - Adex
SERM - nolva/clomid
Something for my liver - Milk thistle
Choose these because apaprently osta is still suppresive and raises estradiol levels based on logs that I have seen. It also raises liver enzymes. I probably wont need very high doses on the post cycle therapy (pct) since my cycle is so light, can anyone give any recomendations?
i don't think any of that is necessary, run a natty test boost with it if you want, that's enough imo

and i also think it would be safe if you ran it at a higher dose, as 10-12.5mg
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