Post cycle therapy (pct) & Pro hormone Female Experience


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PCT & Pro hormone Female Experience

This information is for WOMEN interested in gaining muscle/strength through pro hormones and also PCT suggestions for WOMEN. As there is not much info out there for women who want to try pro-hormones nor is there information on what a woman coming off prohormones should take for PCT (as PCT for a man is, and should be, much different than what a woman should take).
Everything I have taken is legal and can be bought over the counter.

I am a 27 year old female, I have an ectomorph body type so it's very hard for me to gain weight. I am 5'7'' and I started Steel Crushers when I was 120lbs.
My goals were: to gain weight and muscle!
Suppliments: Liver Pills, dymatize weight gainer shakes, waixy maize and noxipro for pre-workout combined with clean diet every 2-3 hrs and workout 5-6 days a week (by workout I mean lift, I hardly do cardio because I get too skinny) but will do 10 min on stair master after a workout about twice a week for heart health. (I was a collegiate soccer player and state track champion).

I started Steel Crushers with 1 a day (5mg) and each day upped my dose until I was on 4 a day (20mg). I spread doses out evenly throughout the day. On second week I lowered my dose to 3 a day (15 mgs) because I did not want any side effects. My female friend experienced back acne BUT she took Steel Crushers for about 4 months not knowing she was suppose to cycle off after 4-8weeks nor with what PCT (post cycle therapy) because no male shared any information with her! (Probably because the guys themselves didn't know what a female should do, not to mention a lot of them don't know what their doing in their own cycles, some do but many don't). They knew she wanted to gain muscle, sold her a product and didn't inform her with any useful information about it, granted she should have done her research, but as I have researched this before, there isn't much information out there for women, which leads me to write this post. Anyway... Within 4 weeks on Steel Crushers I gained 14lbs and incredible muscle size and strength! Went from being able to shoulder press 2 25lb dumbells naturally to 2 40lb dumbbells! With no bad side effects. My weight got to 135lbs.

After 4 weeks I tried to cycle off. My first week off of them my body felt terrible! Like I had lactic acid burning in ALL my muscles all the time! I would try hot baths, vitamins nothing cured it. Working out helped but I definitely didn't have the same strength.

After a week off I was tired of feeling this way so I took another steel crusher just to see what it would do and within 30 min the lactic acid burning feeling stopped.

I continued on with another 4 week cycle. No more personal strength records this cycle I but was able to handle more weight than I could naturally, and visually I was swole, vascular and looking great!
After 4 weeks I started slowly cycling off again. This time I added DHEA and 5-HTP (cheap!) & a multivitamin into my post cycle therapy and this time I did not have the lactic acid burning feelings. In the gym I was still lifting heavy, keeping my strength up and made some personal records in other areas (leg press & 10 unassisted pull-ups instead of 4). My weight is at 133, I haven't lost size coming off these Crushers.

I would like to cycle off the DHEA and 5-HTP soon so my body can go back to natural state and rest for a while.

If any other WOMAN has any suggestions on what PCT (post cycle therapy) worked well for them please share and help inform all the other woman out there who are looking for some information.

Any negative or rude remarks, or cursing in comments to this post is unnecessary and childish. I see the way guys respond to other guys posts and they should be ashamed of themselves. So unless you are a woman or in the rarest case a man who is specialized in female post cycle therapy (pct), no man needs to respond to this post because you have no personal female experience to share. Thank you.