Post cycle therapy (pct) question.


New member
PCT question.

hey does anyone know a cheap site to purchase nolvadex, arimidex and clomid? please inbox me thanks :)
There are banners all over this site to buy research chemicals for your lab tests. Are you blind? Lol
hahaha wow thats funny i guess i am. hey do you guys think that nolvadex and clomid bought online will be just as high quality as something youd get from a dealer? b/c i have a dealer who wanted to sell me nolva for 110$ and clomid for 120$ but im looking at a site where nolva is 30$ and clomid is 15$
Man that is solely dependent on where your guy gets his stuff, but if you are buying from a sponsor on the site you will be gtg
what do you guys think of this stuff called 'Liquid Stane(Exemestane)' it says it offers 85% estrogen, and do you guys think this would be good for pct say if i use it and clomid?
also do you guys think that i should use LiquiDex (Anastrozole) during cycle to keep the bloat down and gyno at bay? also this will be my first cycle so if any of these things are too strong please let me know
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