Post cycle therapy (pct) Recovery


New member
PCT Recovery

Okay, I know I'm going to get bashed for this..

But here is goes!

I've been running beastdrol for 2 weeks now, going into the third I ran it at 20mg

I had originally thought to use the following for PCT

Unleased/PCT Combo + Forma-stanzol

After reading some of the posts here I'm thinking maybe I should throw in some clomid but I have to act NOW in order to get it in time.

While on it, I've not noticed any sides (not even back pumps, been really dehydrated so I'm consuming about 2 gallons a day) but some serious strength gains.. My stats are as follows

Age: 29
Weight: 208
Training: Since 18 took a few years off between 25-27 for kids

I'm sorry for bombarding this same rebuttal on this board, but I get concerned when I read posts where people say that those who follow NTBM end up shut down by not following a proper PCT and including a SERM
And I've read the recommendations for standard post cycle therapy (pct), but that relates strictly to TEST injectables.