Post cycle therapy (pct) Truth and Preference

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PCT Truth and Preference

Ok so i just read a rather long post on all the types of PCTs and there uses. Now id like to see what others think, to make sure i wasn't sold on bs.
From what ive read Femara and Arimidex are far superior of a PCT than Nolva and Clomid.
Can i get some feedback thank you
a-dex is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) - not for PCT, IMO. it will drive your estro even lower - you'll feel shitty and it won't help you recover your test.

isn't femara for hair? Why would you even consider this in PCT?

post a link to what you've been reading.
Here is the link to what i was reading.
Here is the link to what i was reading.

ok man, nolva/clomid are serms. adex, aromasin, letro are all AI's.

AI's will only block/reduce estrogen. they do nothing to start or help Testosterone production.

they only deal with Estrogen.

you have lots of reading ahead of you bro. lots.
Ok so i just read a rather long post on all the types of post cycle therapy (pct)s and there uses. Now id like to see what others think, to make sure i wasn't sold on bs.
From what ive read Femara and Arimidex are far superior of a post cycle therapy (pct) than Nolva and Clomid.
Can i get some feedback thank you
False that is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) not a serm to be used in post cycle therapy (pct). Clomid is the best route in my opinion.
Op, you got a lot of reading to do before you start debating here. I know you intentions are good and I know you need to learn, but you need a lot more background knowledge first bud.

This should help: Most people accept a post cycle therapy (pct) of 40/40/20/20 nolva and 50mg of clomid per day. A good Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is either arimidex @ .5mg EoD or aromasin @ 12.5mg ED. Do not worry about letro until you learn more plz. GL keep reading!
So is it smart to combo a SERM and AI? Btw its only a 40mg/day 6 week epistane cycle im lookin to do
I always run my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) all the way thru my pct. never had any problems. from my personal experience, Clomid is best for PCT but i always use nolva as well to be on the safe side.
So is it smart to combo a SERM and AI? Btw its only a 40mg/day 6 week epistane cycle im lookin to do

YES, any/all serms raiser serum estrogen. so your fine & dandy while on your on it. but once you stop using it your left with high serum E. E is no longer being blocked at the receptor from the Serm.

this is where rebound comes from.....(not 100% of it, but a decent amount)

so you stay on a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on the serms. then once you come off your E is in check. if you dose your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) properly you should be able to come off all the shit and be fine.

40mg for 6wks of epi is pretty potent. you will be shutdown.

I dont think you ll need clomid + nolva. just 1 would bring you back to pre cycle T levels.