Post injection pain question


New member
I generally don't get pip. For some reason the first pin this cycle in my left quad it is probably the worst ***65039;it ever has been. It was test e and mast e. I used the same protocol I always do. I pinned Tuesday and it still hurts today. What happens if you hit a nerve? Does the muscle twitch? The muscle did twitch as I was pushing the needle in. Would tht be the main cause more then the oil possibly? Any thoughts on best ways to get rid of pip?
If it twitched you hit a nerve, quads are the most sensitive for me some injections go perfect some leave me fucked for a week. Hit and miss for me and no you just have to deal with the pain unfortunately
That's weird. Just gotta tough that shit out. Hopefully they didn't get the BA and BB mixed up in the brew process. If they did then you're fucked. I would hit glutes next as they don't get too much pip.
All boils down to a good pinning technique. Quads are indeed tricky. I found it best to stand with all weight on one leg leaned up against the counter or wall. This way the right leg is dead hanging to allow complete relaxation of the quad as opposed to it being stretched in the seated position at all. I also dart it when to pin quads push the oil quickly and pull out quickly. Flawless technique for me. But nerves are always a roll of the dice.

If u twitched u can certainly expect to be sore for a bit from it. Better luck next pin.
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That's weird. Just gotta tough that shit out. Hopefully they didn't get the BA and BB mixed up in the brew process. If they did then you're fucked. I would hit glutes next as they don't get too much pip.

No the gear is good im sure it was just how I injected this time. I assume I hit a nerve so we will find out after the next pin if happens again.