post workout question


New member
I got a question regarding my post workout routine. Today, I did my chest, then did 30 mins of cardio... After my cardio I want to do the Winsor Pilates 8 Minute Ab Workout, which is already set in my VCR ready to go. But on my drive home - which takes about 10 mins- i drink my protien shake. And by the time I'm home, I am too full to do my abs. Should I come home , do my 8 minutes ab workout, then drink my protien shake? My goal is to lose bodyfat and preserve muscle. And is a bagel a tolerable source of CarB for a post workout meal? Thanks
do the abs b4 you shake, your body will be screaming for more nutr! you can wait 10 min
After my workout how long should i wait to drink a protien shake and eat a meal?

I drank a glass of OJ 15 mins after workout.
TwinTowers said:
After my workout how long should i wait to drink a protien shake and eat a meal?

I drank a glass of OJ 15 mins after workout.

i drink a pwo shake (75g protein, 75g dextrose) right when i get home
your window of opportunity to really hit you body with nutrients when it is at its most anabolic state is roughly 15-45min aftre your workout. idealy you want to wait about 15 min to let your natty growth hormones do thier thing before you consume your pwo shake. when you eat or drink your production of gh takes second seat to your bodys need to metabolize food.
Orange juice isnt really a good post workout carb. A 50/50 combo of maltodextrin and dextrose is optimal. Dextrose alone is fine also, just not as efficient.