PowerCage Training gloves -- got a wrist injury?


Elite Mentor

Well, since I injured my lateral ligament like.. what... 3 months ago??? It sucks... I read an article about these gloves no more than a week or two after it happened... I went into Chick's Sporting goods and picked up a pair...

these gloves isolate your wrists from "going back" -- depending on how tight you wrap the wrist wrap... you can have more or less mobility depending on how tight you wrap it... Say, for bench... to not hurt my wrist, I can tighten it up really tight and my wrist won't move... same with curls....

Just a little public information. :)

Thanks for the heads up on these. I have had wrist problems for a while now. I'll have to see if I can pick up a pair of these gloves.
I tried to find a pair locally last night but no stores here had them. Do you know of a place I can find them on the net? I did a search but cam up with nothing.
saturn said:
I tried to find a pair locally last night but no stores here had them. Do you know of a place I can find them on the net? I did a search but cam up with nothing.

None of my friends out east can find them... I got them at Chick's Sporting Goods... you might want to try their 1-800 number on their website, maybe you can order them directly?

If worst comes to worst... you can paypal me the money, I can buy you a pair, and ship them to you. :)

Citruscide said:
None of my friends out east can find them... I got them at Chick's Sporting Goods... you might want to try their 1-800 number on their website, maybe you can order them directly?

If worst comes to worst... you can paypal me the money, I can buy you a pair, and ship them to you. :)


Thanks bro. I'll have to try the 800# if I can't get them there I may have to take you up on your offer.
c, you also might want to try the wrist wraps that powerlifters use. They are similar to the knee wraps used but are used for wrists. The really thick ones take your wrists pretty much out of it. Im sure one of the powerlifters here knows what im talking about. They are velcro and really damn thick, ill talk to one of the powerlifters i know tomorrow to see where he got his from.