powerlifter thinking of starting to run test


New member
hi, I'm thinking of moving to a non tested fed and was wondering if a 12 week test E was what I'd be looking at.
It would be a first cycle, I'v done a bit of reading though I can't find much info on cycling for powerlifting.

Well how close is your next meet? Read the link tbone posted, if youre going to do this be sure you do it correctly.
Well how close is your next meet? Read the link tbone posted, if youre going to do this be sure you do it correctly.

I'd be looking to run it next year, how should I time it for a meet. Would I run it right up to the meet, pinning for the last time the week of the meet? or should I already have finished the cycle by then?
test Enth takes a while to kick in, I'd rather go with a fast acting ester like Test Propionate. Even Sustanon is beneficial. Why? Because it kicks in fast whereas you'd have to wait for a couple of weeks for the enth ester to take notice. (when I mean kick in I mean strength and weight gains) If I were you id take sustanon or prop 8 weeks before the meet, and train my ass off. With proper dieting and enough sleep it is possible to add a good couple of lbs weekly to each lift. While on gear you have to train harder. You will be given the energy and strength so take advantage of it.
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You can't really manipulate just testosterone to your advantage when peaking for a meet. If you wanted to do an oral, you could do a kickstart for four weeks, off four weeks, then re-introduce the oral again 4 weeks out. If I were you, I would just keep the idea of the test E cycle and go with that. Odds are you're gonna blow up anyways off this first cycle.
He's better off with a test only. So he can have that taste, he can then add other compounds when he's more experienced and actually knows what he is doing and what roles the drugs he's taking plays.

This is me being safe. If safety were no concerns and you wanted to go all out; Tren Test-Suspension and Halo are superior for strength gains.
Shit if you didn't really give a fuck about your liver throw in some anadrol while you're at it. You'll be an animal & you'll absolutely hate that bar like if it's your enemy.
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interesting thanks, so if I run 8 weeks before the meet will I pin last the week of the meet or the week before?

If it's prop, a day before or the day of the meet.
If it's enth, you can get away with a week before. Dude honestly test can only do so much. Don't go in thinking your strength is going to blow up, it can help but it's not as strong as other compounds. Just don't expect too much. Not saying it won't do shit, it will. But not dramatically.
If it's prop, a day before or the day of the meet.
If it's enth, you can get away with a week before. Dude honestly test can only do so much. Don't go in thinking your strength is going to blow up, it can help but it's not as strong as other compounds. Just don't expect too much. Not saying it won't do shit, it will. But not dramatically.
I squat 600lb bench 360lb and deadlift 650LB been training for 4 years and am 33, do you think I'm ready or am I jumping the gun. I know tren and the likes are more for strength but appreciate I need to start with just test.
12 weeks test prop at 500 mg a week. pin last dose day before meet if it works out that way. you won't want to stop the cycle till after the comp. but after you still need to kill it in the gym to try and keep some of the strength gains so you can keep building for every cycle after. don't just take it to get strong for one comp then drop off and lose the gains from it. test for the first cycle will make you stronger especially because i assume you will be doing powerlifting training just for big lifts and strength. you have a good base and it would not be to early but just make sure you are prepared for the cycle so you are safe.
cheers guys test prop at 500mg a week it is then. I'll do my homework and make sure I have the right PCP before I start. I do plan to keep cycling after this first cycle.
He's better off with a test only. So he can have that taste, he can then add other compounds when he's more experienced and actually knows what he is doing and what roles the drugs he's taking plays.

This is me being safe. If safety were no concerns and you wanted to go all out; Tren Test-Suspension and Halo are superior for strength gains.
Shit if you didn't really give a fuck about your liver throw in some anadrol while you're at it. You'll be an animal & you'll absolutely hate that bar like if it's your enemy.

I agree with the test only. Just saying you can only do so much with it.
Depends a lot on diet and how close you are to your genetic limit. Plus the type of workouts you are doing. It won't be for just mass and bodybuilding so in terms of strengths of lifts they will go up its just hard to say how much since you have good results already. They will be noticeable of course you will see strength gains and of course mass. Also it is your first cycle so they will be even better.
If you have the time I would run a cycle before that meet to get a better idea of how you will react and strength gains you will get. Something else no one mentioned is you will need to gauge how much weight you will gain on a cycle because I imagine you already have a weight class in mind? This is likely where 3J would come in to help you get the most out of your cycle by tailoring a diet for strength gains while minimizing weight gain. Just a thought.
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