powerlifter thinking of starting to run test

He's better off with a test only. So he can have that taste, he can then add other compounds when he's more experienced and actually knows what he is doing and what roles the drugs he's taking plays.

This is me being safe. If safety were no concerns and you wanted to go all out; Tren Test-Suspension and Halo are superior for strength gains.
Shit if you didn't really give a fuck about your liver throw in some anadrol while you're at it. You'll be an animal & you'll absolutely hate that bar like if it's your enemy.

Just out of interest and my own amazement I'm going to post this cycle from a big total kind of powerlifter:

So this was posted over at Outlaw. Thought you guys may like to read it. Some high doses but from what I have heard this is accurate to what some of the top raw guys are running these days.

"I***8217;m a little hesitant to write up everything for couple reasons. This isn***8217;t for everyone, is not what I recommend, and I***8217;m still experimenting. Much of my performance has been from the sheer amount of work I put in and with messing with the larger dosages this year I don***8217;t have the capacity to train balls out like I used to (although I still train a lot if you follow my logs). HOWEVER my gym, family life, and professional life have all grown so much in the last few years that I simply don***8217;t have the time to make it to the gym as frequently, as long, and I***8217;m usually doing a ton of coaching when I***8217;m there now. So I'm just figuring out how to put all this together and what works best in the end for me.

So a little background and context.
I had deadlifted 4x bw in comp before ever going on.
I set a #4 all-time multi total my first cycle on 4 years ago (and my last multi-ply meet)
I am chasing some very aggressive goals and I have some major issues that are only getting worse. I may only have a few meets left that I can try achieve my goals at before the issues become insurmountable.

Here is some basic info. Sorry I***8217;m not going to lay all this out in an ***8220;how to***8221; approach and there is a lot of detail and timing that is important so don***8217;t try to duplicate without knowledge.

Off season
175-250mg test and maybe some anavar in the 100-120mg range
GH 20iu (pulsed preworkout only 4x a week)
Slin 20iu(Humalog preworkout only but timed to not interfere with GH and combined with special shake of carbs, creatine, amino***8217;s, potassium that is drunken with it and during workout)
IGF1LR3 & PegMGF (alternate between the two immediately postworkout along with herbal Glucose shuttling sups to upregulate after GH and Slin)
GH releasing Peptides taken non training days

With this I can train like crazy and recover from it and if I do the work I can keep the progress rolling like when I***8217;m on cycle. The pulsing approach keeps my blood sugar in control nicely versus the more frequent doses of GH most people do and seem to get better recovery with putting everything around the workout.

Last meet 4 weeks ago I was up to the following by the meet
3100mg Test
700mg Mast Prop
700mg NPP
700mg Tren
I only ran two weeks of orals since I have bigger meet next month
2 weeks Winny/Drol @ 100mg each

Currently @ 3 weeks out
I added my GH/Slin/Peptide combo the last 4 weeks on top of everything above
Will be dropping all that in a few days to give my 3 weeks to get weight and bloat in control
3200mg test
1400mg Mast Prop (bumped to 1050 then 1400 over last 4 weeks)
1050mg NPP (just bumped)
700mg Tren
Two weeks ago I added orals (5 weeks out)
120mg Tbol
120mg Var
75mg Winny
3 weeks out (next few days) I will be dropping Var and Winny and adding
1000mcg Methly Tren

Again these dosages are fairly new to me this year. Just trying to see what I can tolerate, what the pros and cons are, and***8230;. I***8217;m all in, I don***8217;t have many more shots at what I want to hit.

Had a liver function Test 3 weeks ago with AST 40 & ALT60. No anti-E or other ancillaries just relying on Masteron and over the counter PES Erase Pro.

My first All-Time raw record set earlier this year was much lower dosed.
Was only an 8 week cycle coming off GH/Slin/Peptide coast cycle.
at end I was at
1500MG Test
1100mg Mast Prop
700mg Tren
700mg NPP
600mg EQ
240mg dbol (180/240 the last weeks only)
120mg Var

one last note.... I probably spend more time on Var than off over the course of a year."

Posted under the handle KW, who I have been told may be the kabuki warrior (Chris Duffin)
IMO, starting off the only benefit you'll see from test only is going to be the increase in recovery. I didn't feel test did anything for me as far as aggression with lifting.. as said that comes with the more advanced AAS(tren/halo) make you pretty nasty ha.
But that by no stretch of the imagination discredits testosterone benefits for PL. Reduction in cortisol, reduction in protein degradation, feeling so much better and not beat down from training were huge for myself and the overall enjoyment of training. You will certainly be breaking PR's, first will be your working sets and volume.
"Up the dose. You wanna squat a grand dont you?" was something that I heard come from a respectable powerlifting coach/family /team. Obviously not to me but a member of this very FAMILY oriented team of powerlifters. Which would have taken this guy close to a gram of tren...
dudes obviously an experienced elite lifter, god damn methyl tren? thats like finding a magical fucking leprechaun ..for me atleast.

ccameron, keep in mind you must have to pin every other day to maintain stable blood levels with the prop ester & rotate injection sites.