Pre and post cycle pics.


New member
Here are a couple of pics. Pre cycle I was around 173 and the post cycle pictures were taken around 190 lbs. Height is 5'9. I have a log of the final month of my cycle in the "my cycle" forum. A few years ago I was a stick around 140-145, but lifting took care of that. Thanks for any comments or advice from people in advance.

Before pic:







i'm sorry bro but i just dont see big diffence between your before and after pics...unless all the major changes were in the wheels or chest area?
adidamps2 said:
i'm sorry bro but i just dont see big diffence between your before and after pics...unless all the major changes were in the wheels or chest area?

I was thinking the same thing after looking at the comparisons. And you are right, my chest and ass expanded some, but I don't have comparison pics for those. Personally it feels like my upper body and arms have gained the most and I feel more cut than before. The scale went up and the strength numbers went up a great deal, especially with bench press and squats, but the pics don't seem to reflect that. Maybe b/c the weight gain was spread out all over the body it's harder to tell? Who knows.
adidamps2 said:
what did you run and how was the diet?

Since this was the first cycle I took it easy, used test E for the bulk of the cycle and test prop at the end (never doing test prop again, the soreness was brutal). The cycle was approximately 15 weeks. As for the diet, the main goal was to eat five or six meals a day and at least 200 g of protein per day. I'll be honest I did eat a fair amount of fast food, but it seemed like it was impossible to gain any more fat on cycle and since I wasn't cutting I figured why not.
Thats 17 lbs. Thats alot of weight to not notice changes everywhere. When you came off did you drop any of that weight? How do your clothes fit. Did you lose any shirts due to your weight gain. I bulked natty last winter, gained 18 lbs (kept 8 after I dieted this summer) but the way I knew I was gaining was that my waist went up 2 inches and I lost a few of my fav dress shirts. All of a sudden they were too tight in the armpit area. BTW they all fit agin after my diet :) Do you have any shots taken from the front. Maybe alot of it was water, especially with a "fair amt of fast food"
david_diesel said:
Thats 17 lbs. Thats alot of weight to not notice changes everywhere. When you came off did you drop any of that weight? How do your clothes fit. Did you lose any shirts due to your weight gain. I bulked natty last winter, gained 18 lbs (kept 8 after I dieted this summer) but the way I knew I was gaining was that my waist went up 2 inches and I lost a few of my fav dress shirts. All of a sudden they were too tight in the armpit area. BTW they all fit agin after my diet :) Do you have any shots taken from the front. Maybe alot of it was water, especially with a "fair amt of fast food"

Since coming off I have dropped a couple pounds but that was pretty much expected. As for clothing, all of my dress shirts don't fit anymore because of the neck area. My shorts do not fit anymore b/c of the gains in the butt area and I need new pairs of boxer/briefs b/c of that as well. The thing is, I notice the changes, I know I look bigger, I feel bigger, but it didn't show up very well in pictures.

BTW how was the cutting diet for you?
taxingted said:
Since this was the first cycle I took it easy, used test E for the bulk of the cycle and test prop at the end (never doing test prop again, the soreness was brutal). The cycle was approximately 15 weeks. As for the diet, the main goal was to eat five or six meals a day and at least 200 g of protein per day. I'll be honest I did eat a fair amount of fast food, but it seemed like it was impossible to gain any more fat on cycle and since I wasn't cutting I figured why not.
hmm only 200g protien..thats not very much esp on cycle..i would think 250+ would be a better'd the rest of the diet look macro wise? or did you keep track?

also what Test E dose were you running and how often did you inject? how much prop did you use and for how long at the end of it?
taxingted said:
... I'll be honest I did eat a fair amount of fast food, but it seemed like it was impossible to gain any more fat on cycle and since I wasn't cutting I figured why not.

I will tell you why not:

Get fat on a cycle, spend post cycle trying to diet (even though everyone told you not to) so you loose all the muscle gains because your nat test levels are down, but you suck at dieting too, so you just end up droping the muscle and keeping the fat. Then you get depressed and hate your life, then your girlfriend even makes fun of you becasue you were trying to get huge but instead you are just a lard.

At least thats how my first cycle went.
Food, training and rest are more important then roids.
And you should have been over youre "after" stats before running anything.
adidamps2 said:
hmm only 200g protien..thats not very much esp on cycle..i would think 250+ would be a better'd the rest of the diet look macro wise? or did you keep track?

also what Test E dose were you running and how often did you inject? how much prop did you use and for how long at the end of it?

I used the 200 number basically b/c that was the bare minimum no matter what the circumstance to get into my body for a day, it usually was around 250. Did not keep close track of the diet, main objective for me was to consume protein and good carbs with each meal.

Here is a basic outline of the cycle, I have the last month posted in the my cycle forum.

1-3: 1000 mg test E (frontload)
4-12: 500 mg test E
13-15:150mg prop eod
sorry bro, are you sure your stuff was legit. You need to eat more or have your diet in check. For an almost 4 month cycle i would be expecting a bigger difference. we need front shots of you as well, hard to tell from just the back.

Work hard, get that diet in check .
{R}a{G}e said:
sorry bro, are you sure your stuff was legit. You need to eat more or have your diet in check. For an almost 4 month cycle i would be expecting a bigger difference. we need front shots of you as well, hard to tell from just the back.

Work hard, get that diet in check .

The stuff was definitely legit, and while I did not keep track of my diet as well as I should have I kept a log of my workouts. My bench press max went up 30 lbs from 235 to 265 and the last set of both incline and flat bench increased 30 lbs total (incline 175 8 reps to 205 9 reps, flat bench 5 reps 205 to 5 reps 235), lunges went from doing 115 8 reps to 155, squats could only do 8 reps 235 and now can do 315 8 reps raw. Did not take any progress shots of legs before and after, which like the diet is something to work on in the future. Still new to taking pictures of myself so bear with me please.
Are you really sure your stuff is legit? at that amount of gear to only gain that much weight and size, and your lifts to only go up that amount in 4 months, I would say all of that could have been achieved naturally given the right conditions.
VenomX said:
Are you really sure your stuff is legit? at that amount of gear to only gain that much weight and size, and your lifts to only go up that amount in 4 months, I would say all of that could have been achieved naturally given the right conditions.

Lift and myself used the same stuff. He also has a journal in the my cycle forum. He is a lot more massive than I am and naturally eats a ton more than I do. He started about 270 and is now around 290-295.

Pre cycle I never weighed more than 180 lbs. Then I cut down to 172, 173 area before starting. I had to fight my body a few times with gaining weight. The highest I ever got on cycle was right about 195 the last couple weeks, and no matter how much I ate until the end I could not break that plateau. I had plateaus a couple of times on cycle but after a week it usually would bump up a few pounds. Could I have gained a little more strength and size by doing a couple of things differently? Absolutely. But overall I felt good about the cycle, I got steady gains as each week went by and reached a weight that I have never been at before.
Well as long as your happy with the results i guess thats all that matters. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking.