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Pre-contest , pre-photo shoot, or summer shred cycle .
PLEASE NOTE: this is only PART of a cycle 8 weeks out from your contest. What you had been running prior to being 8 weeks out is irrelevant. This in only focusing on the weeks leading up to the contest. If you been running say for example Test E and EQ for a month prior to this , thats fine , but your going to drop those 8 weeks out. Your also NOT going to be running the below listed compounds at the beginning of your prep, wait until the end to add these compounds so your not already de-sensitized to them , you'll be fresh and the fast acting esters will do there job efficiently.
Primobolan 600+ mg per week ; 8+ weeks out
Tren Ace 50 mg per day 5 weeks out
Masteron Propianate 50 mg per day 5 weeks out
Winstrol 50 mg per day 3 weeks out
Halo 40 mg per day 2 weeks out
^^ there is NO aromatization going on here. also the dosages are very moderate. We want to limit stress and toxicity as much as possible because that will cause you to hold water
As for Testosterone , whatever youve been running as your Test base for the time of your prep , wither its low dose or high dose or Test prop or cypionate,, your going to completely drop it 3 weeks out.
IF you want some sort of Test then I'd run Test suspension pre-workout at moderate dose, 75mg . thats in an out of your system fast enough that it won't hang around an aromatize a ton. Any aromatization, bloat, and water retention is NOT what we want at all.
IF you had been running test throughout your prep with an AI , then continue with the AI after dropping the test (again test having been dropped 3 weeks out). And you can even up the AI to something stronger like Letro 2 weeks out at around 1.25 mg 3-4 times per week to pull out the remaining estrogen pre contest.
HGH and ISULIN - if you had been running Gh and slin as part of your program then your going to want to drop that completely 4 weeks out . IF however the HGH/Slin give you a fullness that you need to look good , then you can stay on it but you'll need to modify the protocol . if you been running for example 8 iu of GH in the morning then say 10iu of Slin post workout , youll need to switch that up so that your not holding a ton of water ; Which that method will cause.
Lower overall dosage and spread your HGH and your slin to multiple very small injections throughout the day. Example, 1-2 Iu of insulin with 1 iu of HGH per injection , done 5-6 times per day. This will help you hold a lot less water then with all at once injections and high blood levels of GH.
Couple notes:
Primobolan is your base compound . why? Well going into your show or photo shoot or whatever , 8 weeks out you are going to begin dieting really hard and be in a significant deficit with lower carbs . Primo is a dht based non-aromatizing steroid that is very very anti-catablic. You will NOT be loosing muscle in a calorie deficit while running high amounts of Primo. It has good anabolic properties and nutrient partitioning, while causing zero estrogen or water retention . AND its a non toxic and vey clean and a 'feel good' steroid . unlike Tren. Youll feel great on it, which helps when dieting.
Tren, Ummm yeah we all know why the Tren is in there. You'll continue building muscle and staying extremely anabolic with high levels of nitrogen retention and protein systhesis even when dieting.
You'll want to continue with good volume and heavy weights going in at week 8. But with lower calories , more cardio , and the closer you get to show time , the more your MRV is going to go down (MRV = Maximum Recoverable Volume). Fatigue sets in and you can't push near the weight and reps as before . but this is fine especially around 2-3 weeks out. At this point you'll want to swithch over to Metabolite training anyways . At this stage you are no longer trying to build muscle ,, building new muscle just makes you hold water in the fibers, and you don't want that going into a show , you want to be striated with definition. So no more heavy weights or muscle break down. Just emphasis the pump, blood flow, lighter weight and higher reps, drop sets, super sets , etc.. all things to get blood flow and nutrients, but without tearing down fibers and causing the muscles to hold water.
Anyways , just some thoughts on putting together an anabolic protocol going into contest prep.
Open to discussion, your past experiences, ideas, suggestions ,etc .
PLEASE NOTE: this is only PART of a cycle 8 weeks out from your contest. What you had been running prior to being 8 weeks out is irrelevant. This in only focusing on the weeks leading up to the contest. If you been running say for example Test E and EQ for a month prior to this , thats fine , but your going to drop those 8 weeks out. Your also NOT going to be running the below listed compounds at the beginning of your prep, wait until the end to add these compounds so your not already de-sensitized to them , you'll be fresh and the fast acting esters will do there job efficiently.
Primobolan 600+ mg per week ; 8+ weeks out
Tren Ace 50 mg per day 5 weeks out
Masteron Propianate 50 mg per day 5 weeks out
Winstrol 50 mg per day 3 weeks out
Halo 40 mg per day 2 weeks out
^^ there is NO aromatization going on here. also the dosages are very moderate. We want to limit stress and toxicity as much as possible because that will cause you to hold water
As for Testosterone , whatever youve been running as your Test base for the time of your prep , wither its low dose or high dose or Test prop or cypionate,, your going to completely drop it 3 weeks out.
IF you want some sort of Test then I'd run Test suspension pre-workout at moderate dose, 75mg . thats in an out of your system fast enough that it won't hang around an aromatize a ton. Any aromatization, bloat, and water retention is NOT what we want at all.
IF you had been running test throughout your prep with an AI , then continue with the AI after dropping the test (again test having been dropped 3 weeks out). And you can even up the AI to something stronger like Letro 2 weeks out at around 1.25 mg 3-4 times per week to pull out the remaining estrogen pre contest.
HGH and ISULIN - if you had been running Gh and slin as part of your program then your going to want to drop that completely 4 weeks out . IF however the HGH/Slin give you a fullness that you need to look good , then you can stay on it but you'll need to modify the protocol . if you been running for example 8 iu of GH in the morning then say 10iu of Slin post workout , youll need to switch that up so that your not holding a ton of water ; Which that method will cause.
Lower overall dosage and spread your HGH and your slin to multiple very small injections throughout the day. Example, 1-2 Iu of insulin with 1 iu of HGH per injection , done 5-6 times per day. This will help you hold a lot less water then with all at once injections and high blood levels of GH.
Couple notes:
Primobolan is your base compound . why? Well going into your show or photo shoot or whatever , 8 weeks out you are going to begin dieting really hard and be in a significant deficit with lower carbs . Primo is a dht based non-aromatizing steroid that is very very anti-catablic. You will NOT be loosing muscle in a calorie deficit while running high amounts of Primo. It has good anabolic properties and nutrient partitioning, while causing zero estrogen or water retention . AND its a non toxic and vey clean and a 'feel good' steroid . unlike Tren. Youll feel great on it, which helps when dieting.
Tren, Ummm yeah we all know why the Tren is in there. You'll continue building muscle and staying extremely anabolic with high levels of nitrogen retention and protein systhesis even when dieting.
You'll want to continue with good volume and heavy weights going in at week 8. But with lower calories , more cardio , and the closer you get to show time , the more your MRV is going to go down (MRV = Maximum Recoverable Volume). Fatigue sets in and you can't push near the weight and reps as before . but this is fine especially around 2-3 weeks out. At this point you'll want to swithch over to Metabolite training anyways . At this stage you are no longer trying to build muscle ,, building new muscle just makes you hold water in the fibers, and you don't want that going into a show , you want to be striated with definition. So no more heavy weights or muscle break down. Just emphasis the pump, blood flow, lighter weight and higher reps, drop sets, super sets , etc.. all things to get blood flow and nutrients, but without tearing down fibers and causing the muscles to hold water.
Anyways , just some thoughts on putting together an anabolic protocol going into contest prep.
Open to discussion, your past experiences, ideas, suggestions ,etc .
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