Pre-Cycle Bloods - Lower test than thought.


New member
Sup Guys,

Got some bloodwork done here before I start my cycle. Also going to get them mid and after PCT.

I noticed my testosterone was lower than I had anticipated. Everything else looked pretty normal, unless you guys point anything out.

4th cycle. (test only) Always had proper PCT and used HCG in them all. Last cycle was probably this time last year.


Working on getting up to that 195lb area and trying to hold at least 190lbs post.

Running Sust 250 for 12 Weeks.

It is cut off at the bottom but my FSH is 2.8 and LH is 2.9

Thanks for taking a peak!
What time of the day was your blood drawn for these labs? It can have a big effect.

Why do you use hCG during PCT? It is suppressive to the HPTA so this is counterproductive.

Why would you only run 250mg of Test per week? That is basically a TRT dose -- not a cycle.
Had the bloods done around 11am. I tried to get an earlier APPT but thats all they had open.

Sust 250 (mgs per ml) .. Im running it 500mg per week M/Thurs.. I run HCG through my 12 weeks at 250iu twice for 500iu weekly not part of PCT. Sorry I shouldve clarified all of this.
Had a question! Just found out I had some letro on hand.. could this be used instead of aromasin? I know they are both AI's, just the Letro being more potent and I dont want to crash my estro. So any tips on dosage EOD?
Had a question! Just found out I had some letro on hand.. could this be used instead of aromasin? I know they are both AI's, just the Letro being more potent and I dont want to crash my estro. So any tips on dosage EOD?

Would have 500ng/dL for total testosterone been easier to take in? It's not an exact science, but if I had to guess, you're probably around there, give or take 50ng/dL. A draw around 7am would have given more accurate results though.

Letro does work, but unless you're experienced with how your body responds to AAS (aromatization), I would either pick up some adex/asin - or be willing to get blood work multiple times to dial in the letrozole properly.

My .02c :)