Pre-Workout Cardio????


New member
sooo i was wondering if this is possible..becuase i would rather get my cardio done before i work out cuz after i wrok out i want to go home and eat and let me know thanks fellas
G03ixxer6 said:
sooo i was wondering if this is possible..becuase i would rather get my cardio done before i work out cuz after i wrok out i want to go home and eat and let me know thanks fellas

What are your goals??

If your goal is strength/mass gains, save the cardio for AFTER lifting and keep it low-intensity...that way you can focus your energy on lifting...

If your goal is fat-loss, try breaking up your sessions and do fasted cardio in the morning and weight train at night. Or do short, High Intensity Interval Training before your weight training...
I couldn't possibly do a hard workout after a full cardio session. I can barely do it the other way around! But I would say Shaved is right about blowing it off, it's better to do it before than not at all, even though it's not optimal.

Why could you not go home and "eat eat eat" after doing weights and then cardio???
I do 15-30 miutes of light cardio on the treadmill at 3.8 to 4.0 mph..but that is to get my blood pumping because i use an eca stack pre workout...