precontest Anavar or Anadrol last few weeks?


New member
Current Cycle
Week 4 of 14
All products are Optimum Pharma

Adex .25/3X week

4 weeks prior to competition

Switching to test prop 50mg/ed up until 5 days before comp.

Question: should i use Anavar or Anadrol for the two weeks prior to competition? I have both and have ran both in the past and didn't hold a whole lot of water with Anadrol. Has anyone ran anadrol for a comp before and how did you fair with it?
If I'm running 16wks prior to comp, weeks 1-6/8 is when id use anadrol. Never ever would consider running it after that time period leading up to comp. You want to look like you were etched out of granite. Anadrol definitely takes away from this regardless of how much water your body "holds" on this.
My Mast would also be a prop (ed)
My Var would be consumed like tic tacs prior too.
Thanks for the replies guys, gunna go with the Var. I'll let y'all know how I place and before and after pics of this cycle. I'm loving it so far.
Thanks for the replies guys, gunna go with the Var. I'll let y'all know how I place and before and after pics of this cycle. I'm loving it so far.

Please do I am starting pretty much the same cycle for shows in June. Close to same height and weight too.
You will love it. I've got feathering on my back and quads already and I'm just now hitting peak levels. I'm gunna run Var the last 4 weeks at 60mg/ed. Optimum pharma for the win. I have never been disappointed by my results with them.