preloading needles?


New member
anything wrong ith preloading needles that are gonna be used for the week? including that theyre kept in a safe sterile place, and needles are changed before injecting.
Been doing this for almost 10 years. Never had an infection once. However, I never let them sit for more than 3-5 months, cause the rubber stopper can start to dissolve. If you have good sterile technique, preloading is no big deal. But I am in the medical field like DemonTheroy, and know how to keep it sterile.
Been doing this for almost 10 years. Never had an infection once. However, I never let them sit for more than 3-5 months, cause the rubber stopper can start to dissolve. If you have good sterile technique, preloading is no big deal. But I am in the medical field like DemonTheroy, and know how to keep it sterile.

I have heard from a number of people that certain compounds have things in them not conducive to being stored in a syringe... one guy on here commented on how his syringe had a melted plunger after loading it a day ahead of time or something. I was always advised not to do that and have followed that protocol. I do not know which specific compounds have which items that can do this (or if it was bad gear if it did this) but I don't want to waste gear, cause infection or inject melted polymer into my ass so I keep it simple ;)
I have only preloaded. Never had a an issue. Store them in a ziplock bag. Plunge the extra air out of the pin. I honestly feel safer preloading rather than to keep poking holes in the rubber bladder of the bottle. I am more worried about bacteria getting into the pin holes of the bottle than inside a preloaded syringe. Just my 2 cents. Maybe I have been lucky after a thousand pins....
Been doing this for almost 10 years. Never had an infection once. However, I never let them sit for more than 3-5 months, cause the rubber stopper can start to dissolve. If you have good sterile technique, preloading is no big deal. But I am in the medical field like DemonTheroy, and know how to keep it sterile.

Like he said watch some compounds especially with a high BA will mess with the stopper.
I preload for a week, never had an issue. Not in the medical field, just load em, change out the needle and put it back in the wrapper for later use.
I think people are freaking out too much. I've preloaded needles for months in advance and had no issues whatsoever. Just make sure your gear doesn't have EO in it. This will eat away at the plunger. Peptides are better not preloaded.
yeap, ill just stick to the safe side and just draw everytime, dont wanna risk infection on my first cycle
Unless you are using a 18G needle to draw, worrying about too many times to pin the stopper is completely stupid. That's just being paranoid.