primo, anavar and test cycle, opinions needed!


New member
Just need some advice on what dosages and for how long as far as the anavar and primo goes.

I plan to run 600mg of test, which do you guys suggest as I have prop and enanthate compounds. In the past I have only used test e but hate waiting a couple weeks before things start kicking in. I have anastrozole as my ai, and clomid as pct. I was thinking of 12-16 week cycle.

My primary goal is a body fat cut, currently sitting at 195lbs at 14%.

Thanks for any input fellas.
cycle history?
Other than that, I'd go 16 weeks since you are running primo. I'd run Test E like you said, 600mgs/week and if you want to speed things up you can kick start with test prop and keep anavar for last 6 weeks of the cycle. Primo personally I never did a cycle with primo, But people say to run around 700-800mgs/week to see good results. Its a pricy compound
What Sam said. Run the var at around 50mgs per day if it's your first time with it. Use it for the last 6 to 8 weeks. Be careful. Var will make you very very strong. Don't over stress your joints and tendons. Just because you can lift something most certainly does not mean you always should
Stats??? Your looking at one expensive cycle!!
You have to run lots of primo&var for optimal results. can acheive better results with other aas.
Save primo/var when you have exhausted other cycle combos.
Test/mast/var is alittle better $/results
What Sam said. Run the var at around 50mgs per day if it's your first time with it. Use it for the last 6 to 8 weeks. Be careful. Var will make you very very strong. Don't over stress your joints and tendons. Just because you can lift something most certainly does not mean you always should
"Var will make u very very strong" ???? are u serious? now that is some funny shit

As for the original post... Primo at less than 600mgs per week is very ineffective, unless u are female... so plan accordingly
Just need some advice on what dosages and for how long as far as the anavar and primo goes.

I plan to run 600mg of test, which do you guys suggest as I have prop and enanthate compounds. In the past I have only used test e but hate waiting a couple weeks before things start kicking in. I have anastrozole as my ai, and clomid as pct. I was thinking of 12-16 week cycle.

My primary goal is a body fat cut, currently sitting at 195lbs at 14%.

Thanks for any input fellas.

I am currently running almost the exact same cycle.

I am running T300 @ 900mg a week, Primo @ 600mg a week, HGH 5 IU's a day, and will be adding in Anavar the last 45 days of my cycle.

I started cycle on 12/26, really starting to see good lean gains.

I have been running 3J for diet, so I haven't lost or gained any weight but I def see a difference in my body so far.
Have you ever taken var? If not then same your facetious demeanor for something you know about first hand. Car raised my 3 main lifts by fifty pounds in each one within two weeks. I realize it isn't dbol, but fifty pounds in two weeks is a lot.
I plan to start the cycle in march, so currently stock pilling right now. I have all my test and just started putting away the var and primo.

My stats are 37 yrs old and been lifting since 18. My diet is good, real clean and I hit the weights 4 days a week, with efx work 20 minutes per day.

This will be my 4th cycle, only do 1 per year for 16 weeks. Previous cycles have been test and tren cycles.

So it looks like this from what I am gathering:

Week 1-8:

600mg test e
600mg-900mg primo
Anastrozole .25 ed

Week 9-16:
600mg test e
600-900mg primo
Anavar 50mg ed
Anastrozole .25 ed

Pct starts week 18 which is clomid 50/50/50/50.

Are there any known sides with var and primo as I have heard they are rather mild for sides.
I plan to start the cycle in march, so currently stock pilling right now. I have all my test and just started putting away the var and primo.

My stats are 37 yrs old and been lifting since 18. My diet is good, real clean and I hit the weights 4 days a week, with efx work 20 minutes per day.

This will be my 4th cycle, only do 1 per year for 16 weeks. Previous cycles have been test and tren cycles.

So it looks like this from what I am gathering:

Week 1-8:

600mg test e
600mg-900mg primo
Anastrozole .25 ed

Week 9-16:
600mg test e
600-900mg primo
Anavar 50mg ed
Anastrozole .25 ed

Pct starts week 18 which is clomid 50/50/50/50.

Are there any known sides with var and primo as I have heard they are rather mild for sides.

From my research you are doing the Var to low, stick to 80 mg a day for atleast 6 weeks.

Also start the Clomid out at 100mg a day
Have you ever taken var? If not then same your facetious demeanor for something you know about first hand. Car raised my 3 main lifts by fifty pounds in each one within two weeks. I realize it isn't dbol, but fifty pounds in two weeks is a lot.

Ur the one that should be considering his words before opening the pie hole...
I have run this cycle 3 or 4 times to lean out and maintain a good amount of Size. It is a slow moving cycle so be patient. I wasn't looking for super-huge. Training/diet must be very consistant and clean. I ran 300mgs test cyp wk, 50mgs Var ed and 400 mgs week Primo for 12 weeks. I was as lean as mofo. Now there are a lot of people on here that run very high amounts of everything and think that is the way to go. But not everyone has the same goals and not everyone responds the same way to a paticular compound. If lean is what you want.. less can be more!! Of course there is also more than one way to skin a cat!!
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Thanks for all the feedback fellas.

Flynman, what was your before and after stats with this cycle? What is your body type, for example I consider myself very lucky to have good genetics. I can put on size very quickly and loose weight very quickly. The scale moves well for me depending on what I am trying to accomplish.

I guess I will stick to a 16 week ride, so that is out the way. Just need to pin point dosages now.
Avalon I have good genetics sounds like similar to yours. I am 5'7'' 202lbs when leaned out and 220lbs during bulking. I never really measured my body fat but I have abs and a lean overall appearance. I am 50 yrs old and training for over 30 years. Did not start cycling until late 30's. Scale does not move as quickly as it used to... but on that cycle I go from 220lbs to 202lbs in a few weeks while maintaining good size.