Primo and Anavar


What do you guys think about Primo and Anavar after Prop/Tren....

300Primo & 25mg Anavar

I know test would be better but I wanted to be off test for 2 months or so.....

or should I just run

ICNs, Primo and Var?
I think it would be fine, provided that your primo is actually primo. And if you can afford it, try to bump the ox up to 40mg/day, you won't regret it if you do.
Those were my plans and after Primo and Anavar (var) I'd be back on Test/EQ....
Sorry......It takes about 8-12 days for Primo to work.......according to a Primo user....

It's going good.....I see the 2 upper layers of my 6 pack..depending on how much I eat...LOL
I'm running primo 400mg and Anavar (var) 40mg. So far I'm in my first week, but I'm allready seeing changes. I'm also running GH at 2 i.u. ed. I would add test, but I'm not really looking for "test-type" gains. This type of cycle will get you real ripped.
i have done a cycle ike that. basically it was a bridge cycle because the primo and Anavar (var) do not affect hpta. take some clomid and nov to help kick in your natural test levels. with the primo and Anavar (var) you should get nice and tight and stay hard to your next cycle
bigjew said:
i have done a cycle ike that. basically it was a bridge cycle because the primo and Anavar (var) do not affect hpta.

Wrong bro......Primo and Anavar (var) do affect your hpta, it keeps them suppressed.......there is no such thing as a bridge w/ Primo and Var...It’s still a cycle.......if someone has told you that you will be able to recover on Anavar (var) and Primo they were lying to you........

hhajdo posted a study here before showing that as low as 15mg of Anavar (var) will keep you suppressed.
rollercoaster said:
I'm running primo 400mg and Anavar (var) 40mg. So far I'm in my first week, but I'm allready seeing changes. I'm also running GH at 2 i.u. ed. I would add test, but I'm not really looking for "test-type" gains. This type of cycle will get you real ripped.

When I reach my aimed size,I would always go like you.Primo 400mgEW,Oxandrolone SPA 40mgED or Winstrol depot 50mgED.Maybe just add Equi at 200mgEW for the pump.
anavar and primo at low dosages(200 mg primo/week and 10-15 mg anavar daily) will have no effect on hpta. especially if you are using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid and nova. i have had my values of test checked during a bridge cycle like this and my levels started low and after Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid was used ny natural test levels rose substantially and then leveled off and then slightly dropped and stayed within normal range after the discontinued use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid. was taking the primo and Anavar (var) and the nova (nova 20 mg/day)