primo and ox any bad experience?

I did primo 200mgs and Anavar (var) 30mgs for 10 weeks. No sides at all. Small lean muscle gain, some vascularity, strength, great pumps and endurance. This was 1 of my 1st cycles and very timid and cautious of dosages and sides. BD primo and IP var.
federico said:
did you have any bad experience with primo and Anavar (var) together?


other then a big hit on the wallet, I would say that is an extremely mild cycle or a womens cycle.
^lol thats what i was about to say... a womens cycle that probably has more effect on the wallet, even if you home brew. Do some Test/Var
I know is a mild cycle....but that is what I want, and plus I will do 4 short cycles of 2/3weeks.......I'm not looking for mass.. :toilet: ...yes a bit of course :)

thanks for your help guys....I was checking if the combo was safe and not with funny side effects.

take care
just do 125mg/test a week and Anavar (var) then.. you need test... and that 4 short 2-3 cycles a week sounds retarded
correct Mc Shizzle..........but sport is my only hobby...lifting (12years) and beside that running, biking and a bit of swimming, I'm 35, and I was on gears just few times, always mild(var-winny) and short cycles (2weeks) I'm telling you...there is notthing better than to be in a poll or on a bike or doing a squat and to feel the power inside :naughty: I love sport!
I'm happy with my body.....well.... we are never happy, but pretty about,

thaks for your tips and have a nice day