primobolan or testoviron depot? help


New member
Ive been on dbol for about 4 weeks now...i think im ready to start a real cycle...ive been researching a little bit and am thinking about 2 possible types of juice i would do.... ive read that primobolan is a rather weak steroid but it also has lilttle to no side not looking to blow up huge but rather just keep the pump i feel now at the gym frm the dbols...i cant keep taking them for too much longer tho (i take only 15 mgs a much longer can i take them?)..i can also get testoviron depot locally..i believe thats the same shit as enathate..... sus looked pretty good too tho i dont htink i can get my hands on it round here..(long island).....ive been lifting for a long time...bout 3 years solid....and i eat correctly drink protein and calorie shakes..( at least 3500 cal ed) im 5'10 170lbs 7% bf.. what do you guys looking to gain a solid 10 lbs of muscle and keep it..
what would be the best dosage for not tryin to go crazy just a little boost..with little side affects..i already started taking b5 to stop pimples