Primordial Performance product reviews?


From Injury to Monster
I have used a couple in such as their creapure and their green tea. Wondering if there would be value in using their Sustain Alpha during a post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid/Nolva?

Anyone used?
Get a hold of heretostudy or ryansm both will help you with this. I have a bottle of Sustain I'm going to run with my androdrive log. GL bro. PP def makes some wicked good products.
Thanks - I am planning on logging with bloodwork as well

Sustain Alpha is recommended for post cycle therapy (pct)s. I tend to post cycle therapy (pct) with the full TRS/Clomid, but adding simply the SA would be beneficial too. I would recommend running the topical formula as opposed to the oral. We have clients who love both, but SA topical seems to receive more consistent praise. Send me a PM, and I can give you a coupon for 25% off.
Told you those 2 would be on it like ninja's!! They are always helping out. Im going to run sustain post cycle therapy (pct) on my Androdrive. Gl with yours!
Some info on Sustain Alpha

Sustain Alpha -- a natural testosterone boosting topical cream.

It's no surprise that Sustain Alpha is the foundation of the TRS. It***8217;s powerful active ingredients are pulled through the skin and straight to the blood stream with our advanced topical delivery formula. Once in the blood, they are carried to the brain ***8211; right where they start triggering the testes to produce testosterone like a fountain of youth.

Speaking of the triggering testosterone production; How does Sustain Alpha work?

The main ingredients in Sustain Alpha ***8211; resveratrol and 7,8-benzoflavone ***8211; are natural anti-estrogens. However, both of these compounds have proven to be more like estrogen balancers as blood tests have revealed that Sustain Alpha can raise estrogen if it is too low or lower estrogen if it is too high ***8211; therefore offering the ideal solution for virtually any individual.

You see, a little estrogen is a good thing. Too low of estrogen can reduce libido, inhibit recovery, and hurt heart health by raising bad cholesterol. (a typical side-effect of using pharmaceuticals like Arimidex or Aromasin which can overly suppress estrogen levels as I mentioned earlier)

So the question is***8230;

If Sustain Alpha isn't significantly inhibiting estrogen, then how exactly is it significantly increasing LH, FSH and natural testosterone levels?

Now on to the science on what makes Sustain Alpha so unique...

Recently, it has been found that the main ingredient in Sustain Alpha ***8211; the naturally occurring flavone 7,8-Benzoflavone -- increases testosterone production by preventing the negative feedback of testosterone and estrogen on the hypothalamus through GABAergic modulation.

That's right, GABAergic modulation, but please let me explain before jumping out of your seat.

As you may know, ***947;-amino-butyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter known to play an important role in sleep, learning, memory and pain sensation. In fact, GABA supplements are often used to promote relaxation and sleep. However, the GABAergic system is a tremendously complex family of receptors which interact not only with GABA, but hundreds of other neuro-active chemicals all throughout the body.

The important thing to understand here is that GABA and GABAergic transmission are two separate things.

With that in mind, researchers are just beginning to understand how the GABAergic system regulates the hypothalamus and GnRH secretion.

So far, it's been established that there is no androgen receptor (AR) or estrogen receptor (ER) on GnRH releasing neurons. This is fascinating, because it means that steroid hormones such as testosterone and estrogen must communicate with GnRH neurons through intermediaries. Meaning, steroid hormones must signal the release of certain neurotransmitters to suppress GnRH secretion in the hypothalamus. One of the neurotransmitter systems involved in this communication process is the GABAergic system.

As you can imagine, if the neurotransmitters can be blocked or antagonized, then suppression from steroid hormones can be reduced or possibly eliminated. By blocking the suppression, this allows the hypothalamus to continue secreting GnRH, thus allowing the testes to continue pumping out testosterone like they never missed a beat!

7,8-benzoflavone is a neuro-active flavone that reaches the hypothalamus and binds to the GABAergic receptors that modulate GnRH release. In fact, animal studies have already shown 7,8-benzoflavone can prevent the drug related decline in LH, FSH and testosterone production. By interacting with the GABAergic receptors, 7,8-benzoflavone is able to offset hypothalamic suppression of GnRH from steroid hormones.

We realized the incredible potential of this flavone, and recently increased the concentration of 7,8-benzoflavone by 15% in the newest 5.0 formula. Now, Sustain Alpha is more potent than ever.

So what does this mean for a guy wanting to boost testosterone?

This means LH & FSH levels can be boosted quickly and effectively without overly suppressing estrogen and sacrificing overall health. This means Sustain Alpha is perfect for any post cycle therapy (pct), or any male wishing to optimize his "male performance" with higher testosterone levels. This also means that Sustain Alpha is unlike anything else on the market.
Thanks! I spoke with a couple of guys and can't wait to try it out. I hear it makes you feel pretty good too? Can offset some of the blah feeling on PCT.
Thanks! I spoke with a couple of guys and can't wait to try it out. I hear it makes you feel pretty good too? Can offset some of the blah feeling on PCT.

Yup it also has some anxiolytic effects (calming) I love the stuff myself
I have used a couple in such as their creapure and their green tea. Wondering if there would be value in using their Sustain Alpha during a post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid/Nolva?

Anyone used?

I used the UTT version, liked it a lot. i stacked it with some daa and toco8. worked well from what i could tell, cycle was AH and AL for i think around 7 or 8 weeks
I know lol that's one of the main reason's I like your company. Solid well thought out and researched products. Dermacrine and TCF-1 are my favs well until I start the Androdrive.
I know lol that's one of the main reason's I like your company. Solid well thought out and researched products. Dermacrine and TCF-1 are my favs well until I start the Androdrive.

When are you staring andro drive? i'm interested in hearing how it is, keep us updated!