Pro-Hormomes, M1d, non-steroid cycles, etc.

JayC the making
Pro-Hormones, M1D, Non-steroid cycles, etc.

Hey all:
Since we've had an influx in these type of quesitons I thought I'd throw a post up that helped clarify a few things and maybe help spark an informative discussion.
Keep in mind, I'm basing the laws and products off of US policy so overseas could be a different story. Also, please don't flame me if some of this is subjective, debateable, or in question. ..but please do post any corrections, input, or additions that might be helpful. Some of this was recently explained to me during a discussion with a local nutritionist who is well versed in the subject.
Basically (and tryng to keep this simplified) all true pro-homones are illegal... period! However, in true form, the laws were written so that people could work around them. Since the ban went into effect and product started disappering, we already started seeing ad's for new pro hormones and "legal" steroids. How could this be?? Well besides the fact that alot of them are just scams or other/fancy names for Tribulus, there are a few out there that could be construed as a prohormone by the consumer/market. I would put these in a catagory called pro-hormone precursors. This catagory would be best described as products which are TWO steps away from being converted to hormone (i.e. Testosterone). A prime example (and most popular) would be good 'ol DHEA! So they are injested, then converted to a pro-hormone state by the body, then that chemical is converted once again to Test. The way the laws were originally written, that would make this LEGAL (for now :) ) ..and they basically do it by leaving off one molecule in the compound.'s that simple. A current example of this would be the new product METHYL 1-D by LG Sciences. It claims to be a legal prohormone/steroid and after looking at the active ingredients/chemical make up, it turns out that it is just another way of making...... you guessed it, DHEA!! As a side note some the issues with these products is that some peoples bodies will break them down properly and they will see results, others will have a body that will break them down into nothing and the end product is just absorbed and wasted... worst yet, some break them down irregularly and toxic side effects are sometimes seen. It can be a gamble with these products so caution is the name of game here. Everyone's body metabolizes a little different and that's were these type of products (that rely on being metabolized) can be tricky.
I hope that gives some insight to the current state as I see it. Anyone else with info I missed, please add... I'm always/still learning myself and love to be enlightened. ..and before you spend 70 or 80 bucks one one of these new supp's, maybe pick up a cheap bottle of DHEA first and give that a shot, it might work for you. It did for me.
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