of course , great point, i am still growing naturally (age 21yrs) i can stop ph anytime if anything goes wrong( it shouldnt with the correct knowledge and support), god dam cant wait to start test next year or 2 lol
at 21 your not finioshed developing (developing DOESNT just mean hight growth, thats the least important infact)
and if you use horomones you can mess up yoru development and close your growth plates. and THAT IS NOT something you can fix.
wait till your about 25.
most are just about done developing at age 24-27.
its not abotu you (ohh I can just stop) at that poitn it dont matter.
the other side effects sure liek high estrogen and shut down.
but I see you dont even mention PCT or the fact your body shuts down tis horomone production when you use steroids or PH's and that you need ot recover from that after use (PCT helps that)
good luck