Pro hormones worth the money?


New member
I have never used this stuff before so does anyone know if this stuff really works or is it bull? :confused: Is it worth the money and if so which labs do I need to look for and which do I need to be weary of. Thanx for any help I can get.
It might be beneficial if you did some research, lack of knowledge on the subject is why PH/Gear is looked down upon.....

Can I ask your age,height,bf,weight, and training experience?
I am 33 years old, 6'1' and 250. As far as experience....non really at bodybuilding. I played college football so I have lifted a weight or two in my time. I am clueless on bf but would love to know how to calculate it.
Man I hate to break it to you but you need to get your diet and cardio in training and some major research before starting PH, they can mess you up if you don't know what you're doing....

This is where the diet section, training section, and the search bar on this forum comes in, you can get all the necessary things you need there....
Man I hate to break it to you but you need to get your diet and cardio in training and some major research before starting PH, they can mess you up if you don't know what you're doing....

This is where the diet section, training section, and the search bar on this forum comes in, you can get all the necessary things you need there....

Agree 100% with JamieOleBoy. Before starting PH's or AAS you're going to need to have your diet and training in order or the results you get won't really be what you would be suprised what a strict diet and training routine will do for you. But yes PH's are worth it I feel if you've done the necessary research and know what your'e doing, they're not BS
According to body fat calculator I'm at about 17%. My diet is high protein, low carbs and I get lots of cardio. I have been training for mma for 2 years now. Jog 2 miles aday on top of that. I also lift 4-5 times a week.
According to body fat calculator I'm at about 17%. My diet is high protein, low carbs and I get lots of cardio. I have been training for mma for 2 years now. Jog 2 miles aday on top of that. I also lift 4-5 times a week.

Alright, in that case lol.....Yes PH's are the real deal if you're not into pinning yourself, although they are very harsh on your liver and insides....
According to body fat calculator I'm at about 17%. My diet is high protein, low carbs and I get lots of cardio. I have been training for mma for 2 years now. Jog 2 miles aday on top of that. I also lift 4-5 times a week.

not giving you shit, but 17% is pretty high i feel if you're training like you are(the bf calculator could be wrong). Head over to the diet section of this site and post up your diet on 3J's free diet advice(i think it's a sticky). He should be able to give you some really good info. After you've got your diet down to a science, then do some reasearch on PH's and see what you can find. But yes they're legit. Here are some good ones:
19nor tren(might be hard to find)

just fyi h-drol, beast, and epistane are all methylated(liver toxic) so you would not want to stack those...either run them seperate or stack with a non-methylated PH. Make sure you run a proper post cycle therapy (pct) as well for any PH's
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not giving you shit
19nor tren(might be hard to find)

just fyi h-drol, beast, and epistane are all methylated(liver toxic) so you would not want to stack those...either run them seperate or stack with a non-methylated PH. Make sure you run a proper post cycle therapy (pct) as well for any PH's

not giving you shit, but onl pro hormone you got listed there is 19nor which is a pro hormone to dienolone.

the rest, as you stated, are methylated, but they are oral 17aa methylated anabolic/androgenic steroids (aas). Nothing pro about them. just full blown active steroids.
ahahahahha wtf are you talking about dude. Ok if you want to get technical about it then they're "designer steroids" same thing bro. When you see people talking about h-drol, beastdrol, and stane...they're all in the PH section are they not? Nice try though. Yes ok beast, stane, and h-drol aren't per say "transforming" into a hormone once metabolised but I'm pretty sure none of us here would consider them full blown AAS
it isn't a designer steroid either. it isn't new. everything you see on the market today was synthesized and tested by vida wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the day. long tim ago.
and others, were even tested by pharmacuetical companies (same company that made anadrol, tested superdrol (methyldrostanolone) as well, they went with anadrol) and others were even once used by pharmacuetical companies (dimethazine, aka mebolazine sold under the brand name roxilon) just like dianabol, just like anavar, just like testosterone. it is an aas.

gray market steroids at best. legal to buy, but not legal to produce or sell d/t failing to register it with the fda as a new drug. if it was, they would immediately classify it as a class 3 controlled substance, and make it illegal, just like all the rest of the old favorites.

if anyone doesn't consider methyldrostanolone, methylepiostanol, mebolazine, madol, etc. aas, they are severely misguided.

pro hormones have to convert via enzymes in the body. there are numerous things that factor into whether they will even work.
having enough enzymes to make the conversions. then, conversion to the target hormone isn't a one way street. it can go back to the inactive compound. so you may not even get a steroid out of it.

with an oral methylated steroid that is legit, there will be no hit or miss. it will not have to convert into anything. it is already an active steroid, and it will do what it was created to do, and possibly more.

pro hormones and oral methylated steroids are not on the same level, and should be kept seperate.

okay, supplement companies call them pro hormones to look innocent when the fda comes knockin.

some people tell others im not using steroids, i use pro hormones, or supplements.

well, it's no secret here, no need to hide it, or look innocent, only thing it is doing is confusing new people, and some how, making people think they are less potent than illegal oral methylated steroids, dont work, and have more side effects.

which is all bro science, and totally incorrect.

yes I get a little pissy, but on a site titled "" users should no better, and make a clear distinction.

maybe im one man, trying to change a bad trend started from uneducated steroid users a long time ago, but im sure there are alot more who feel the same.

ahahahahha wtf are you talking about dude. Ok if you want to get technical about it then they're "designer steroids" same thing bro. When you see people talking about h-drol, beastdrol, and stane...they're all in the PH section are they not? Nice try though. Yes ok beast, stane, and h-drol aren't per say "transforming" into a hormone once metabolised but I'm pretty sure none of us here would consider them full blown AAS

They are certainly steroids. Just the same as Test or Masteron. They arent new. They are old steroid compounds that have been reintroduced. You can thank vida for many of the steroids that are currently sold as "pro-hormones".
They are certainly steroids. Just the same as Test or Masteron. They arent new. They are old steroid compounds that have been reintroduced. You can thank vida for many of the steroids that are currently sold as "pro-hormones".

ughghghgh yes i know what they are...but they're in the PH section and everyone on here would tell you to post questions about the PH section...
def not worth the money... real deal for me .

Thats really only accurate with regard to the actual pro-hormones as some of the methylated stuff is more powerful both in effect and sides than standard orals, ie. M1T, but I agree with your 2nd part as it's my preference as well. Halodrol, beast, super, etc are pretty decent along with some of the other new ones as well but like I said I prefer both the sides and effects of old standbys like dbol for my cycles.
Thats really only accurate with regard to the actual pro-hormones as some of the methylated stuff is more powerful both in effect and sides than standard orals, ie. M1T, but I agree with your 2nd part as it's my preference as well. Halodrol, beast, super, etc are pretty decent along with some of the other new ones as well but like I said I prefer both the sides and effects of old standbys like dbol for my cycles.

you think that h-drol and beast are decent alone though?...jbryan seems to think that they are alone comparable to injectable test
you think that h-drol and beast are decent alone though?...jbryan seems to think that they are alone comparable to injectable test

Well no I was only comparing the relative strengths of "regular" methylated orals to OTC methylated orals. Like I said I prefer th old standbys along with my injectible cycles but I don't scoff at the strength of some of the new-to-market designer orals.