product review


New member
Hello all,

This is my firsttime on the forum, but have some good info. I am a 60 yr old master powerlifter 5'8" 230 lb individual with no special genetics. I am a 5 time world champion and hold numerous state, national, and world records. I have recently tried some of ageforce products and after a month have the following results.

I received 3 patches, the first which I felt the results almost immediately is there pre/post nitric oxide patch. After hvy squats I normally gasp for air and it would take me at least 1-2 minutes just for breathing to return to normal levels. With the patch i still gasp, but within 15-20 seconds I have regained my air and can get back under the bar more quickly and my entire work out goes a little longer. A+ for the product.

Next is an hgh path. It is intended to help you sleep longer and deeper. Again almost fron the start I saw a difference. I sleep longer with fewer wake ups and much deeper. Both of wich facilitate recovery.

The last is a test patchand i have been told it takes 3 weeks to kick in which is where I am at now. To date I cannot say I have seen any increased poundages as a result but that may come in the next month. I have had shoulder surgery in the last 4 months and had to take 2-3 weeks off from the gym. My bench is horendous, but that has to do with my body not suppliments. Squat and dl are where they should be. If you are interested in a non steroidal alternative give a look. I will keep the forum up to date on the progress of these suppliments. Please overlook spelling and other dumb mistakes