Progress Pics ( Week 10 1st Test Cycle 15lbs and counting )

Not that huge of a difference, but your delts look more pronounced for sure and the belly a lot flatter. Good work overall dude.
I know! I feel like I can gain or lose 20lbs and still "look" the relatively the same. It's always posed difficult to change my look.. the whole going up and down thing is easy.. just aesthetically, I can't catch a break lol

Could be I'm not tan, horrible lighting and my phone camera is shit now.. but those are just excuses :D

Thanks for the critique!
You are a beast man. One day I want to be big too, but these guys tell me to work on diet. I better start working to get some good results like you.

Diet > Training > Rest > Drugs

Just prioritize things like this and the gains will come buddy :)