Progress since Dec 23rd.


New member
Started lifting again around end of nov. ( don't have any pictures )
Waist in dec. 23rd was 44.75 today it's down to 38.5, Goal is 34-35" before bulking.
I'd say BF is around 22%? I carry it all in the belly and chest (hence no pictures of that yet :) )

Calorie intake has been 2000-2500 calories depending on lift days and carb cycling also.

Thoughts on back and arm fat progress?

left to right : Dec. 23rd , Feb. 24th , Mar 04th
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Perhaps you can elaborate a little on what you have done to get from point a to point b? for those reading.
was thinking the same thing^^^^^

great improvement but lets get an idea of what your doing and the successes on it

And keep the progress pics coming, so far great job!!!
I started off on a low calorie diet of 2000 calories about 60P/20C/20F for macros. After about 3 weeks of that I started to do carb cycling where I ate 2000 calories on days I didn't lift and on days I did lift I ate 2500 calories, did that for 2 months. Then went into a Keto diet keep calories around 2200-2500 up until last week where I will be going back to the carb cycling.

So far this has worked great in keeping the diet changing so my body doesn't get used to what I eat.

My workout split has been 2 on 1 off through out the past 3 months now. So I hit each body part twice in a 7 day span.

The goal of this phase was to recomp and drop fat while trying to maintain as much muscle as I could, and I did that by not doing any cardio... (probably not the best method but I wanted to do this without cardio).

I will continue to do this until I reach my goal of 10-15%(big range) BF and bulk from there to add mass vs. trying to preserve what mass I have.

Thanks for the replies!
Smart dude. Your arms look bigger for sure. Keep hitting the weights and keep growing. Don't give up...if you're not lifting you're not growing!